Sunday, January 26, 2020
Rights To Equal Pay Sociology Essay
Rights To Equal Pay Sociology Essay It used to be very common for employers to pay men more than women even when they do exactly the same job. Before the 1950s, most Canadians accepted that men should be paid more than women for doing the same work because men were supposed to be responsible for supporting their families and women were not. Men were the breadwinners and women were responsible for running the home. But times changed. After the Second World War, many countries agreed that it was very important to create an international agreement that people, regardless of what country they live in, should be protected from discrimination and should have the same basic human rights. The United Nations created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, and Canada was one of the many countries that signed it. One of the rights in the Declaration was: Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work. During the 1950s, the federal government and the provinces passed equal pay laws to create this right in Canada. The federal government passed An Act to Promote Equal Pay for Female Employees in 1956. This law also applied in the Northwest Territories. Most of these laws prohibited employers from paying women less than men for doing the same work, and most were part of employment or labour standards legislation. Because of the large number of AmRameshn women taking jobs in the war industries during World War II, the National War Labor Board urged employers in 1942 to voluntarily make adjustments which equalize wage or salary rates paid to females with the rates paid to males for comparable quality and quantity of work on the same or similar operations. Until the early 1960s, newspapers published separate job listings for men and women. Jobs were categorized according to sex, with the higher level jobs listed almost exclusively under Help Wanted-Male. In some cases the ads ran identical jobs under male and female listings-but with separate pay scales. Separate, of course, meant unequal: between 1950 and 1960, women with full time jobs earned on average between 59-64 cents for every dollar their male counterparts earned in the same job. It wasnt until the passage of the Equal Pay Act on June 10, 1963 (effective June 11, 1964) that it became illegal to pay women lower rates for the same job strictly on the basis of their sex. Demonstrable differences in seniority, merit, the quality or quantity of work, or other considerations might merit different pay, but gender could no longer be viewed as a drawback on ones resumà ©. Unfortunately, this right was not very helpful. It was very hard for women to use this right to make sure that they actually got paid as much as men for doing essentially the same work. Sometimes, the difference in pay was not in wages, but in benefits or bonuses, and employers could hide a difference in pay by calling it a benefit or a bonus. Sometimes, the work performed by a female employee was not completely the same as the work performed by a male employee. For example, often male jobs had different job titles than female jobs. Employers could argue that the difference in job title meant that the work was not the same. Or the male job might have slightly different duties. Any small difference in the work could allow an employer to pay men and women very differently. By the 1970s, people were talking about a different idea of equal pay. Women were still earning a lot less than men. More and more single mothers were trying to support their children on their own, and more and more women and mothers were living in poverty. In response to these problems, some people said that the problem was not so much that women and men were being paid differently for doing similar work, but that men and women do not do similar work at all. They work in entirely different occupations. For example, more women than men work in nursing, more men than women work as mechanics. They said that problem is that womens work is just not considered as valuable as mens work simply because it is done by women and that leads to low pay. Cases: Two landmark court cases served to strengthen and further define the Equal Pay Act: Schultz v. Wheaton Glass Co. (1970), U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit Ruled that jobs need to be substantially equal but not identical to fall under the protection of the Equal Pay Act. An employer cannot, for example, change the job titles of women workers in order to pay them less than men. Corning Glass Works v. Brennan (1974), U.S. Supreme Court Ruled that employers cannot justify paying women lower wages because that is what they traditionally received under the going market rate. A wage differential occurring simply because men would not work at the low rates paid women was unacceptable. The blatant discrimination apparent in these court cases seems archaic today, as does the practice of sex-segregated job listings. The workplace has changed radically in the decades since the passage of the Equal Pay Act. The right to equal pay for work of equal value is a response to this concern. It prevents employers from paying work done by men differently than work done by women, even when the work is dissimilar, if the work is of equal value to the employer. This right is much more complicated than the right to equal pay for the same or substantially similar work because it requires a way of figuring out when dissimilar jobs have the same value to the employer. Others, like Ontario and Quebec, have enacted special laws, called pay equity laws that require all employers to take positive steps to make sure that they pay male and female employees equally for work of equal value, even if no one makes a complaint. Still other jurisdictions, like Saskatchewan and Manitoba, have pay equity or equal laws or policies that apply only to public sector employers and employees. This reflects a belief that public sector employers are better able than private sector employers (especially small private sector employers) to take on the complicated task of figuring out what work in the organization is equal in value. But what has not changed radically, however, is womens pay. The wage gap has narrowed, but it is still significant. Women earned 59% of the wages men earned in 1963; in 2012 they earned 80.9% of mens wages-an improvement of about half a penny per dollar earned every year. Why is there still such a disparity? Articles supporting this clause: Article 39(d) in the Constitution of India 1949: 39.Certain principles of policy to be followed by the State: The State shall, in particular, direct its policy towards securing (a) that the citizens, men and women equally, have the right to an adequate means to livelihood; (b) that the ownership and control of the material resources of the community are so distributed as best to subserve the common good; (c) that the operation of the economic system does not result in the concentration of wealth and means of production to the common detriment; (d) that there is equal pay for equal work for both men and women; (e) that the health and strength of workers, men and women, and the tender age of children are not abused and that citizens are not forced by economic necessity to enter avocations unsuited to their age or strength; (f) that children are given opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner and in conditions of freedom and dignity and that childhood and youth are protected against exploitation and against moral and material abandonment Article 15 in The Constitution Of India 1949: 15. Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth (1) The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them (2) No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them, be subject to any disability, liability, restriction or condition with regard to (a) access to shops, public restaurants, hotels and palaces of public entertainment; or (b) the use of wells, tanks, bathing ghats, roads and places of public resort maintained wholly or partly out of State funds or dedicated to the use of the general public (3) Nothing in this article shall prevent the State from making any special provision for women and children (4) Nothing in this article or in clause ( 2 ) of Article 29 shall prevent the State from making any special provision for the advancement of any socially and educationally backward classes of citizens or for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes Issues: The issues regarding not equally paying men and women for equal work are- It is a human rights issue- If the work of a woman is valued less simply because she is a woman, her individual dignity is injured. It is an economic development issue- To promote equal treatment is equivalent to promote the nations productive potential. It is a human resources issue- Increasing salaries of undervalued workers can be more profitable as it increases morale and productivity, as well as reduces turnover and attracts talent. Concept of Equal Pay: 1. Equal pay for equal work This implies that men and women receive equal pay for the same or similar work. 2.Equal pay for work of equal value This implies that men and women receive equal pay for different jobs Discrimination based on sex: 1. Stereotypes and prejudices with regard to womens work; 2. Occupational segregation by gender; 3. Traditional undervaluing of womens job; 4. Traditional job evaluation methods designed on the basis of requirements of male-dominated jobs; 5.Weaker bargaining power on the part of female workers. When is unequal pay justified: Suppose there are two employees working for the same organization-Ramesh and Suresh. 1-If Ramesh had more experience or a higher educational degree than Suresh, their employer would not have to give them equal wages. Their jobs would not be considered substantially equal because they have different levels of education or experience. 2-Their employer could pay Suresh a higher wage if Ramesh works in Gomti Nagar, North Carolina and Suresh works in New York City. Employee must generally work in the same establishment for them to be considered to have substantially equal jobs. 3-If Ramesh supervises other employees but Suresh does not, their employer could pay Ramesh at a higher rate of pay. Ramesh has significantly more responsibility than Suresh does and therefore their jobs can not be considered substantially equal. 4-If Suresh must travel from job site to job site everyday, while Rameshs job allows her to work in the home office everyday, their jobs differ substantially and Suresh may receive a higher salary. Gender Pay Gap in Numbers: In most countries, womens wages for work of equal value represent on average between 70-90% of mens. In 2010, the OECD reported a gender wage gap in the medium full-time earnings of 17.6% across its members. In the EU, women earn on average 17.5% less than men during their lifetimes. In 2009 in the US, the womens to mens earnings ratio for 25-34 yr olds was 89% and for 45-54 yr olds was 74%. In case you thought the gender gap is restricted to the lower levels of workers, a survey done by the World Economic Forum (WEF) last year showed that there is a yawning gender gap in the corporate sector too. The average annual income of a woman is $1,185, less than a third of a mans $3,698 in corporate India. Articles Published Regarding Such Discrimination: Traditionally, women have not enjoyed equal access to basic human rights, protections, resources, and services. Unfortunately, gender inequality is still present in every society and remains as a huge barrier for the world. There are also two terms which explain different types of discrimination and give us courage to further push for womens rights. First, sexism is a form of discrimination and stereotyping that oppresses women. Second, patriarchy is a system where males are dominant. It is so common in many societies and also within families. Consequently, some violence against women is seen mostly in these types of communities and families. Recent acts of violence pertaining to womens rights are: violence within family, rape, sexual abuse, torture, etc. Some of the other issues commonly asked to be recognized as part of womens rights are: bodily integrity and autonomy, the right to vote (universal suffrage), hold public office, work, fair salary or equal pay, own property and to enter into legal contracts, education, serve in the military, to have marital, parental and religious rights. Efforts done and progress all over the world: In India, the Constitution recognized the principle of Equal Pay for Equal Work for both men and women, and Right to Work through Article 39(d) and 41. As far back as 1976 the Equal Remuneration Act came into effect and yet unequal pay dogs working women in India. From small businesses to large organisations to the unorganized sector, women are paid lesser wages than men for the same work. There have been major international efforts focused at eradicating these inequalities. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is the main international human rights treaty for women adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1979. In The Convention CEDAW, it is often described as an international bill of rights for women. The detailed document defines what constitutes discrimination against women and sets up an agenda for international action to end such discrimination. In 2010, more than four decades after the US had enacted a law in 1963 to end wage discrimination on the basis of sex, President Barack Obama had to bring in yet another legislation to give women the right to seek remedy against wage discrimination since, in the US women earn only 77 cents per dollar earned by men. In 1963 women were paid 59 cents per every dollar earned by men. Obviously, the progress from 59 cents to 77 cents has been a slow crawl to say the least. Advantages of implementing such a clause: More effective use of skills. Positive impact on female workers. Better human resource management throughout the organization. Better working relationships among employees. Positive effects on the reputation and attractiveness of the business. Success Stories Due To This Clause: To prohibit discrimination on account of sex in the payment of wages by employers engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce. [S. 1409] (Avalon Project, 2006) Prior to the Equal Pay Act, men and women were not treated fairly within regards to wages. It was not unheard of for a man to make twice the salary for doing the same job a woman was capable of doing. With the passing of the Equal Pay Act, women are now a driving force in some of the biggest and most successful companies in the world. Anne Mulcahy, the CEO of the Xerox Corporation, led her company to over $15 million in revenue for 2005 with a 13% profit increase since 2004. Xerox ranks number 4 in the list of Fortune 500 computer and office equipment companies, surpassing powerhouses such as Apple, Pitney Bowes, and Gateway, companies all with men at the helm. (Fortune 500, 2006) Without the enactment of the Equal Pay Act, Anne Mulcahy may never have gotten the chance to advance to her current position. Talent Tree, a staffing company based out of Houston, Texas, is run by a woman by the name of Brenda Harris. Brenda began as CEO of Talent Tree in 2004 after working for the company for 21 years, beginning as a Staffing Manager. Since Brenda has been at the helm of Talent Tree, the company has seen its first profit in several years and was able to afford a company paid trip to Mexico to reward the branches of Talent Tree who contributed to the success of the company in 2005. Brenda has brought back a sense of family and teamwork to Talent Tree with strong but fair leadership, and because of her, the company is on the road to a success it has not seen in some time. (Talent Tree Names New President, 2004) Brenda has also made Talent Tree an excellent company to work for where diversity is strong and women are treated as equal to men, with compensation decided based on skill and experience, not based on gender, race, or any other minority factor. Although the Equal Pay Act of 1963 has allowed women such as Brenda Harris and Anne Mulcahy to become successful in what has been known as a mans world, there is still discrimination against women and many other minorities when it comes to wages. The Equal Pay Act has, in recent years, been the influence for other similar laws such as The Fair Pay Act (S. 840) and the Paycheck Fairness Act (S. 841) to help combat this discrimination. The Paycheck Fairness Act holds penalties for violations of compensation laws. Unfortunately, some employers do not take these laws seriously as the penalties are not that severe. Changing the penalties to have a more detrimental affect on employers who violate compensation laws will hopefully help to decrease the violations. (Federal Legislation, n.d.). Conclusion: Laws are meant to protect society from unjust and unfair behavior, and the passing of such clauses as Equal Pay for Equal Work for Both Men and Women has done an outstanding job of protecting women and other minorities from being treated unfairly in the workplace with regard to wages and other compensation. Women are just as capable as men of making successful contributions to companies and therefore have every right to receive equal compensation. This law ensures that compensation is fair and equal to everyone. Although there have been a number of violations over the years, the violations are few and far between and will only decrease as more and more companies are realizing that it takes talent and skill, not gender, to be a success. POWER TO WOMEN, POWER TO ALL OF US!
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Present Value
Selling price The selling price would equal to the sum of the potential profits realizable by the purchased asset. In order to present a proper amount with respect to the time value and including the market risk and risk premium, the profits have to be discounted to the present value using the appropriate discount rate. The sum of the discounted cash flows for the next two years of the assetââ¬â¢s useful life is $299,021.75. The same number represents a fair price for purchasing the asset, as it includes potential benefits realizable by the investment, as well as accounts for the possible risks on the basis of the fixed discount rate. Price adjustment under higher rates and inflationThe higher inflation rate would require the appropriate price markup. Market interest rates as well as the risk rates are higher under the growing inflation. Therefore, the price of the asset will be increased, by marking the adjusting the dollar value using the appropriate inflation rate.LocationIf th e asset would be located in the area with unstable governmental and economic situation, it would cost less. The unexpected and sharp market prices fluctuations could alter the projected profit margins. The implementation of long-term contracts would be under a threat. However, with only two years of potential profits, the latter argument does not represent the most critical issue in determining the price level. The risks associated with the potential benefits are significantly higher than in the case of operating in a stable economy. Consequently, the asset would lose some of its value, and its selling price would be lower.BondsThe goal of the firm is to maximize present shareholder value. This goal implies that projects should be undertaken that result in the positive net present value, that is the present value of the expected cash inflow less the present value of the required capital expenditures. Using net present value as a measure, capital budgeting involves selecting those pr ojects that increase the value of the firm because they have a positive NPV. The timing and growth rate of the incoming cash flow is important only to the extent of its impact on NPV. The increase in the net present value means the decrease in the discount rate. This data can be observed in the financial plan section, using cash flows, where the present value of a cash flow stream is equal to the sum of the present values of the individual cash flows. Moreover, in determination of the net present value cost of capital percentage can be used.The cost of capital for any investment is the rate of return capital providers would expect to receive if they would invest their capital elsewhere (opportunity cost).à The annual financial reports for the two companies suggest at a first glance that Cisco systems would be a more sound investment, as it represents a more favourable income statement balance. General Motors Company shows very low profits for the last periods, however its profit m argins are steadily growing. A significant loss, which negatively affects the current credit rating of the company, is realized in prior periods due to discontinuing operations and losses on requisitions. However, the companyââ¬â¢s liquidity shows a close to industryââ¬â¢s median value. General Motors shows a more confident overall stability of business operation, while Cisco system greatly depends on innovation and research and development, which is associated with greater costs and bigger risk involved.However, the business indicates less dependency on fixed costs, which allows to attain not only technological or innovative advantage on the market, but also to win better trading bargains offering more favourable prices to customers. The business operations of Cisco largely depend on the appropriate timing and immediate reaction.Cisco should have a higher discount rate than General Motors, because it requires a more profound analysis for determining the potential performance of the company. The higher risks associated with the investment should be accordingly accounted for including the calculation of the market rate and the risk premium. General Motors offers lower returns but higher stability, which means less risk. Making a long term investment in bonds with the same pay rate would be more sound and reasonable for General Motors Company, as it provides a less risky opportunity of return. However, its benefits are limited compared to the potential suggested by the Cisco systems company.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Pizza Hut Essay
Executive Summary Pizza Hut is one of the leading pizza restaurant companies in the world in terms of both the number of outlets and the percentage of market share that it holds. Pizza Hutââ¬â¢s main purposes are to provide foods and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the worldââ¬â¢s consumers, now and for generations to come. Pizza Hut believes a plentiful and leveraged diverse strategy is a competitive advantage. Their goal is to grow that competitive edge by fostering an inclusive culture. Diversity is a business strategy for Pizza Hut. Itââ¬â¢s an intentional choice that creates sustainable competitive advantage.This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the current and prospective liquidity and financial stability of Pizza Hut. Methods of analysis include Company Overview, Entry Strategies, Entry Restrictions, Political, Cultural Values, Economical Conditions, CSR programs, Marketing Mix, etc. Company Overview Early History: Pizza Hut was founded in June 15, 1958 by brothers Dan and Frank Carney in their hometown of Wichita, Kansas. When a friend suggested opening a pizza parlorââ¬âthen a rarityââ¬âthey agreed that the idea could prove successful, and they borrowed $600 from their mother to start a business with partner John Bender. Renting a small building at 503 South Bluff in downtown Wichita and purchasing secondhand equipment to make pizzas, the Carneys and Bender opened the first Pizza Hut restaurant; on opening night, they gave pizza away to encourage community interest. A year later, in 1959, Pizza Hut was incorporated in Kansas, and Dick Hassur opened the first franchise unit in Topeka. Pizza Hut Today: Pizza Hut is not only the acknowledged leader of pizza industry worldwide, but it is also the worldââ¬â¢s largest pizza chain with more than 6,100 restaurants in the United States and over 5,500 restaurants in 97 countriesà and territories around the world, employing more than 300,000 people, serving 1.7 million pizzas everyday to more than seven million customers. Pizza Hutââ¬â¢s Mission Statement: We take pride in making a perfect pizza and providing courteous and helpful service on time all the time. Every customer says, ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢ll be back!â⬠We are the employer of choice offering team members opportunities for growth, advancement, and rewarding careers in a fun, safe working environment. We are accountable for profitability in everything we do, providing our shareholders with value growth. Core Values: P.E.A.R.L.S Passionfor excellence in doing every thing Execute with positive energy and urgency Accountablefor growth in customer satisfaction Recognize the achievements of others Listen and more importantly, respond to the voice of customers Vision: The vision of ââ¬Å"Pizza Hutâ⬠is that ââ¬Å"reach on the top of the peak to provide best service and tasteâ⬠& ââ¬Å"To see Yum on customerââ¬â¢s faceâ⬠. Present Major Goals: Our goal is to reach 85% recognition of the new product in our target market. As with all businesses, the most important goal of a company is to increase revenue and profits. Customer satisfaction is for most. Practice what we preach: integrity, ethics and open communication. SWOT Analysis: Strengths Part of the largest restaurant chain in the world Over 20,000 franchises around the world Brand leader in the UK Innovative range of pizzas under one roof Famous television advertising Weaknesses Loyal customers are feeling that the satisfaction of the pizzas is declining. While Novak said Pizza Hutââ¬â¢s expansion into China is going exceedingly well. There are complex computer systems and internal conflicts from franchisees. Opportunities New Pizzas with different crust sizes and flavours. Pizza Hut expands Indian market menu and looks to old favourite to bolstersales in the US Pizza Hut targets upscale products and a downscale consumer base. Threats Rising competition undermines Pizza Hut as consumers go for greater convenience. Rising cheese costs threaten margins. Threat from Dominos pizza, also from Mc Donaldââ¬â¢s who have tried to introduce a new meal that is a Pizza called: McPizza. Country of its Origin: Headquartered in 7100 Corporate Drive Plano, Texas 75024, United States, Pizza Hut is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc., the worldââ¬â¢s largest restaurant company. Countries of its operations: Japan Mexico Spain Germany Russia China Singapore Malaysia U.K. U.S., etc. Competitors: McDonalds Dominos Subway Smokin Joes TacoBell Papa Johnââ¬â¢s Pizza Competitor Analysis: Many pizza chains decided to diversify and offer new non-pizza items such as Buffalo wings and Italian cheese bread. The current trend in pizza chains today is the same. They all try to come up with some newer, bigger, better pizza for a low price. Offering special promotions and new pizza variations are popular today as well. For example, chicken is now a common topping found on pizzas. Entry Strategies Entry Strategy In Bangladesh, Pizza Hut has done market development. Pizza Hut has made pizza familiar to the people of Bangladesh. Pizza Hut is the 1st chain restaurant of Bangladesh. Advantages Pizza Hut has always had the first mover advantage. Their marketing strategy in the past has always been to be first. Pizza Hut has a good brand image which helped them to reach their target customer easily. For good brand image Pizza Hut has easily become the market leader. Disadvantages For their brand image Pizza Hut has less chance for diversification. Less ââ¬Å"Freedom of choiceâ⬠for customers in menu. Less opportunity for product development. Entry Restrictions There is no such entry restriction in Bangladesh. Multinationals face different entry restrictions in some countries.Such as- High tax rate High registration fee High establishment expence Quota system High employment rate High production cost Political, Cultural Values and Economical Condition For political ups and down the economical growth hampers. As a result disposable income can be reducing. It is a concern for Pizza Hut. Pizza is a western food. It does not match with Bangladeshi culture. But urban people of Bangladesh are being attracted to western culture. So we are hoping that customers of Pizza Hut will increase day by day and gradually people of our country will accept pizza as a common food. The GDP of south asian countries are increasing day by day. So itââ¬â¢s a good opportunity and high time to establish any business in this continent. Extrinsic and Intrinsic, Motivational and Hygienic factors/rewards Extrinsic Rewards: Extrinsic reward is something given as a recognition of good work. Pizza Hut offers various kinds of extrinsic rewards to its employees, which are: Pay Raises Promotions Awards Intrinsic Rewards: Intrinsic reward means personal satisfaction felt for a job well done. Employees who work in Pizza Hut take ââ¬Å"Pride in their performanceâ⬠and develop a ââ¬Å"Sense of achievementâ⬠Motivational Factors: Motivational factors are job factors that cause the employees to be productive and keep them satisfied. The motivational factors offered by Pizza Hut are: Attainment Acknowledgement Job itself Accountability Career augmentation Hygienic Factors: Hygienic factors are those that can cause dissatisfaction if missing but that do not necessarily motivates employees. Hygienic factors offered by Pizza Hut are: Compensation Benefits of employee Policy for company Job safety Working environment Inter-personal relations Supervisorââ¬â¢s attitude Motivational Theories Followed By Pizza Hut: Pizza Hut follows ââ¬Å"Theory Yâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Adamââ¬â¢s Equity Theoryâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Herzbergââ¬â¢s Two Factor Theoryâ⬠in treating its employees in all countries. The theories which have been described are the shedding of motivation. Nonetheless the theories are followed; the most important factors are the fascinating work and intensive pay for the employee. If there is the proper configuration in between individual and proficient objects, then employee motivation is an easy task. There are other choices such as job improvement, enhancement, encouragement, fiscal and non-fiscal reward (e.g. identification) should be well thought-out. It may be really tough to moderate the reward system of an organization for all individuals but it is possible to formulate an acceptable method which is suitable for both employees and company. CSR Programs Corporate Social Responsibility means the concern businesses have for the welfare of society. It is based on a commitment to integrity, fairness and respect.CSR proponents argue that businesses owe their existence to the societies they serve and cannot exist in societies that fail. Pizza Hutââ¬â¢s some great CSR programs are: As the largest pizza restaurant company in the world, with approximately 6,200 locations in the US, Pizza Hut is proud of the change it affected as the official World Food Programme sponsor and partner. But, as a company with deep roots in the Dallas-Fort Worth community (its HQs are in Plano and it has124 restaurants across the metroplex), Pizza Hut is especially proud of the relationship that theyââ¬â¢ve formed with Childrenââ¬â¢s Medical Center and the opportunity itââ¬â¢s afforded them to invest in and impact their community, year-round.Over the last year, Pizza Hut employees have read to patients at Childrenââ¬â¢s, hosted patient ââ¬Å"Pizza Palâ⬠craft parties, been a food partner for the annual Red Balloon Run & Ride, and sponsored the Childrenââ¬â¢s Medical Center Holiday Parade. With Childrenââ¬â¢s doing its part to Make It GreatTM in the DFW community, Pizza Hut is thrilled to be the presenting sponsor of the 25th Annual Childrenââ¬â¢s Medical Cen ter Holiday Parade, which promises to be the best parade to date! Pizza Hut has integrated the ââ¬Å"Carry Out for Literacyâ⬠card into their corporate image and giving. Proceeds from the card flow into a donor advised fund at the Hawaii Community Foundation, where HCF helps to evaluate potential grants supporting literacy. Pizza Hut (UK) supports the Starlight Childrenââ¬â¢s Foundation, a registered charity that works to brighten the lives of seriously ill children by granting their wishes and entertaining them while they are in hospital. Wishes can range from going to Disneyland, to meeting a favourite soap star or even winning the Grand Prix! Each year the demand grows for wishes, Starlight Fun Centers (mobile entertaining trolleys), Starlight Hospital Projects, hospital parties and outings. Pizza Hut employees have been fundraising the length and breadth of the UK for Starlight and are always looking for new and innovative ways to raise further support. All these progra ms are philanthropy based because they included charitable donations. Marketing Mix Product Pizza Hutââ¬â¢s main product is Pizza. Price The price of pizza is high for people of Bangladesh Place Pizza Hut has outlets in Dhaka and Chittagong only. Promotion Pizza Hut has doing promotion for their target customers. Physical Evidence The outlets of Pizza Hut are the only physical evidence of Pizza Hut. People Pizza Hut hires educated and well manner people for their service. Positioning Pizza Hut has position themselves by creating values and believes. IMC Campaign of Pizza Hut At present Pizza Hut is putting on their billboards in major places of Chittagong and Dhaka city. In these billboards they have mainly focused on their offerings and discounts. Pizza Hut is using print media a lot for their IMC campaign, such as- News paper, magazines, periodicals etc. In there, they have also focused on their different offerings and discounts. During Ramadan they give a special offer for customers. Pizza Hut offers buffet pizza for customers and the person who eats maximum pizza, he gets free buffet for the next day. At present Pizza Hut has introduced ââ¬Å"Pizza Hut Deliveryâ⬠(PHD) in major places of Dhaka and Chittagong city. And to introduce PHD they have used billboards, leaflets and print media ads a lot. Contingency Strategies TVC (Television commercial)- Pizza Hut can use TVC for their promotional campaign. Pizza Hut can do campaign in schools, colleges and universities. Pizza Hut can do campaign in major commercial places. Pizza Hut can use FM radio for their promotion. Pizza Hut can sponsors different events for their promotion. Pizza Hut can do market research to find out what kind of promotional activities will affect their target customers. Pizza Hut can arrange contests for youth. Pizza Hut can introduce less fat and calorie pizzas for aged people. Guerilla marketing can be very effective for Pizza Hut. Conclusion Pizza Hut has many targets which it has achieved in a given period of time. The time-period is mostly a year. Therefore, in order to fulfill the targets different strategies are adopted by Pizza Hut. It can be concluded that these strategies have been successful and there is flexibility in the strategies, as they can be changed with the changes in the market conditions as well as the targets. Reference ââ¬Å"CSR Programâ⬠, accessed 20 April 2013, ââ¬ËPizza Hutââ¬â¢, wiki article, April 19, 2013, accessed 20 April 2013, . William G. Nickels; James M. McHugh; Susan M. McHugh (2010). Understanding Business, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin, NY.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Social Networking Has It Replaced Face-To-Face Interactions
Ten years ago, if you were to ask a random person on the street how many friends they had, they probably would have thought a short while and told you anywhere from 5 to 20 people in their lives were considered friends. Ask an average college-age person today, and the answer might very well be several hundred. The term ââ¬Ëfriendââ¬â¢ has taken on a whole new meaning thanks to the advent of social networking technology, and the degree to which our culture is now connected to the internet. Computers were just the beginning of our layers of connections. Cell phones, video game systems, and even TVââ¬â¢s are now wired into the net. Connecting to friends and loved ones who are located a world away is now instantaneous thanks to email, instant messaging,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In the process, the definition of the word friend has evolved from someone we considered close and shared real world experiences with, to a virtual connection who we may know very little about. Edito rial cartoonists have even joked about our tendency to prefer online contact to face-to-face. (see fig. 1). All of this begs the question, is trading real face-to-face interaction for virtual friendship a good thing for our culture, or not? Figure 1. A cartoon showing the contrast between social networking then and now. (Keefe) As technological advances have been made within our culture, people have gradually embraced them and built a way of life around integrating them. For example, gathering the family to listen to an evening radio broadcast became watching television together. Our methods of communication and interaction adapt as the choices become more diverse and convenient. Traditional postal mail has become secondary to the instantaneous nature of email, instant messaging, and more recently, text messaging. Our desire to have the latest and best available technology is seemingly unquenchable. Far away friends and loved ones are now able to be contacted in an instant, allowing them to speak to each other as if they were together in-person (Brown 30). Indeed, we have begun to change how we see others and our relationships due to all of the new technology available. ForShow MoreRelatedElectronic Communication As A Barrier For Traditional Communication934 Words à |à 4 Pageslearned within our culture interactions with our family or our peers at work and school. However, social institutions are being disrupted by society s constant connection to digital device. Were behavior and communication is reduced or exaggerated due to anonymity or need for face to face interaction that is provided by the internet. Electronically mediated communication ââ¬â communication conducted through the internet, electronic mail, phone, sms messaging, social networking sites, etc.- have extendedRead MorePersonal Narrative : Why New World Technology1491 Words à |à 6 Pagesa dime in the coin slot at the corner telephone booth? Did you read the love letter from your girlfriend? The form of writing romantic letters has almost become a thing of the past. The reality, most of us have not visited the U.S. Post office since the price of a stamp was 45à ¢. The art of casual conversation, a cup of java or tea in the morning has taken a new direction. We are left with little in common between coworkers, friends, and family for lack of talking with one another. As a resultRead MorePersonal Narrative : Why New World Technology1482 Words à |à 6 Pagesa dime in the coin slot at the corner telephone booth? Did you read the love letter from your girlfriend? The form of writing romantic letters has almost become a thing of the past. The reality, most of us have not visited the U.S. Post office since the price of a stamp was 45à ¢. The art of casual conversation, a cup of java or tea in the morning has taken a new direction. We are left with little in common between coworkers, friends, and family for lack of talking with one another. AdditionallyRead MoreThe Internet Has Revolutionized The Way We Communicate905 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Social Networking If the Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, then how has it impacted the people who make use of it? The ever changing empire of technology has always fascinated the world, and how new advances in technology have helped shape the way people communicate with one another. In this case the Internet. The beginnings of the Internet were in ââ¬Å"1969 as Arpanet , joining three colleges in California and one in Utah (Wikipedia contributors). From that point forward, theRead MoreSocial Networking And Its Effects On The Life Of The Youth1115 Words à |à 5 PagesLanguage and Composition 11 March, 2016 Period 7 Social Networking Vs. Social Skills Growing consternation exists among researchers on how social networking is affecting the life of the youth. Social media is the collectivity of online communications that allows users to create a profile, upload images, videos, and share memorable moments with friends and colleagues. Since this phenomenon was created, it has been a revolutionary medium that has affected every country and age group around the worldRead MoreTrends of Social Networking1362 Words à |à 6 PagesThe growth of social networking is one of the fastest growing digital trends to exist. Many social networking sites boast with millions if not billions of members. Prominent examples of these social sites are Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Members of these networks use them daily to communicate, share various types of information or to collaborate with other members. Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook in 2004 and its sole purpose is to give people the power to share and connect with the world.Read MoreFacebook and Personal Morality Essay1439 Words à |à 6 PagesSocial Networking in a more analytical context is defined as a community of network members which are technically called Nodes. Nodes most commonly differentiate as persons or organisations; if a singular unit can be connected this can be identified as a node. The connections of nodes are usually made based on relations of common interest. Network analysts study the pattern of attraction towards masses of nodes that are connected and this is the structure of how a social network is formed (ScottRead MoreEssay on The Negative Effects of Too Much Social Media1376 Words à |à 6 PagesOver the past few years social media has grown to be a phenomenon in our culture. ââ¬Å"Facebook operates the worldââ¬â¢s No. 1 Internet social media network with 1.2 billion users,â⬠and this is just one venue for social media (Oreskovic, 2014). As more people from all age demographics begin to log in to this growing phenomenon, itââ¬â¢s important to step back and take a look at the side of social media that is not so enjoyable. Weââ¬â¢ve all heard the quote. ââ¬Å"You canââ¬â¢t have too much of a good thingâ⬠, but how trueRead MoreHuman Interaction Is The Study Of Relations And Social Interchange Between Two Or More Individuals1383 Words à |à 6 PagesHuman Interaction is the study of relations and social interchange between two or more individuals. How they interact with one in another, the process by which they act and react to individuals in their surroundings. Technology is rapidly changing the method in which people work, think, and behave, but thereââ¬â¢s one thing that will always remain constant is who we are as people, human interaction, and how we represent ourselves. Society is swiftly changing communication, people are interacting lessRead MoreS peech Social Media1345 Words à |à 6 Pagesï » ¿SOCIAL MEDIA Assalamualaikum and Good evening Puan Wan Narmi Aziana Wan Abdullah our lecturer and my lovely friends. My name is Noor Adibah Binti Abdul Hamid. The reason why Iââ¬â¢m standing here because I would like to tell about the advantages and disadvantages of Social Media. First of all, I would like tell you what is social media. Social media is the social interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Andreas Kaplan
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