Saturday, August 31, 2019

Benefits And Risks Of Bioengineered Foods Essay

Millions of people worldwide have consumed foods derived from genetically engineered foods— from cereals, breads, soybeans but still there were no facts and figures if these foods have unfavourable effects to human. In relation, this short research will look into the risks and possibilities of bioengineered foods while answering the question â€Å"Are genetically engineered foods safe to eat? † Different arguments are presented to give the benefits or risks of the GE foods. This study will look into the risks to the environment, health, economy. Laws and rules on GE foods will also be discussed in this study (Schardt 42). Bioengineered crops were first discovered by Gregor Mendel, a geneticist, when he experimented to insert a gene from a pea plant with better traits into another pea. Results showed that the plant is more resistant to any diseases. This was the start of bioengineered crops and later foods (Gorman, 56). Some of the bioengineered crops are soybeans, corn, cotton, potatoes, and dairy and animal products. Experiments were done making a more competitive crop making it into competitive by-products (Seattle, WA, pp2). In Canada, there are 5. 8 million hectares reported to be planted with GE crops and considered as one of the top producers of bioengineered foods in the world. From this figure, there are 820,000 hectares devoted to GE corn which a lot of by-products are made of (Gorman, 100). The Impacts On Health The most common crop that is used in genetic engineering is the corn. Many of what we eat in the breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacks is a by-product of corn and these are sweeteners, cereals, starch, oil and syrups (Robinson 110-120). But despite the usefulness of the corn in the daily consumption there had been news that these foods are believed to be genetically engineered (GE) foods. Issues coming from various organizations opposing GE foods are all over the internet and papers. The issue here is that GE foods are not safe for consumption of human (Robinson 110-120). In a study done in New Zealand, where rats were used to feed with the foods believed to be GE foods, it created confusion among scientists, businessmen and farmers. The rat that ate the food had problems with their liver and blood circulation. Oppositions pointed out to the companies that there really are effects of the GE foods onto animals. If this is the case how much more if this is consumed by the whole population in the US (Rifkin 34-38). In Europe, GE foods are starting to be banned by the government. People opposing the promotion of the GE foods wrote press releases stating that these are harmful to the health and might cause allergens to some who are not used eating this kind of food. Another argument was that why test it with the animals when humans will consume the GE foods (Pusztai 7-10). But all of the issues are debunked by the companies producing the GE foods. According to the companies, the enzymes that are inserted into the crops are good for the health. These enzymes are proteins that are essential to human health. They further stated that this will only be harmful if this is not compatible with the genes of the person who ate the GE foods (Cummins and Lilliston 48-50). On Environment Good environment is what makes the world livable for humans and animals. Altering it will create imbalance to the ecosystem. The production of genetically modified crops requires big lands suitable for planting (Anderson 20). Since the crops are equipped with genes that are resistant to any diseases chemical composition is embodied in the seed crops. Planting these seed crops will alter the fertilization of the soil (Shiva 20-25). The farmers will still be using chemical more since they know that these will not be absorbed by the plant. The heavy application of chemical can build air pollution which might be harmful to the plants surrounding it and to the people applying it. (World Wildlife Fund, Canada, F4). The companies suggested that while the farmers are using the seed crop they should have the gears so that they will not be harmed while planting and spraying chemicals. But this argument still should have a basis in order to encourage farmers to plant genetically modified crops. Because if the nature will be altered we cannot reverse it anymore into an environment we wanted for the future generations (Robinson 22-25). On Economy One of the benefits that are seen by the seed companies producing the GE foods is the increase in the income of farmers since most of these crops are high in demand but low in supply. That is why the companies tried to look for an answer in the world market where there are problems with decreasing supply and the difficulty of farmers to supply it all. The companies and the scientists saw the need to experiment in order to increase the supply and even increasing jobs for people (Rifkin 55). Some of the benefits laid down by the companies: For one, using genetically modified crops in their farms will ensure increase in yield and profit. Why is this so? In using these seed crops, farmers will use lesser dose of pesticides and herbicides since the seeds and crops that are used in planting are equipped with genes that are resistant to any disease and reaction. Inputs are very high in price so this is one way of answering to the burdens of farmers (Pusztai 60). Not only that chemical and pesticide costs will be reduced but also labor costs that usually have bigger part in the pie. Fewer workers will be tapped to work in the farm since this will not require a lot of maintenance. This will only mean that decrease in their inputs will have higher profit. In any case farmers are still faced with problems in the farm such as higher credit line to the companies that are responsible of producing the GM crops. Even if the farmers are aware of the disadvantages of planting GM crops they still want to try using these kinds of seed crops because all they really want is to make high profit they can boast of (Schardt 33-34). Labelling and Testing Laws and Rules Different arguments have been laid by the oppositions and the companies that produce these seed crops and GE foods. The question here now is â€Å"who should be responsible in ensuring that the foods eaten by the people are safe and no side-effects? ’ The company sees to it that the responsible stakeholders will impart their knowledge and share their part in making the introduction of the GE foods successful. In cooperation with US FDA these GE products are carefully tested and labelled in order to inform the consumers that these are GE products (Schardt 45). The US Food and Drug Administration sees to it that the products sold in the market are safe for consumers especially that today many of the products are said to be imitations and used different ingredients harmful to the health (Schardt, 45). In fact, one of the assigned tasks of FDA is to carefully analyse the enzymes inserted in the crop or product so that this will not create a problem in the market later on. Assessment of each protein present is very important because this will affect the body of the consumer of the certain product. According to FDA, they have been constantly in contact with the companies producing such GE products because they want that the consumers will not bear the harmful effects of GE products (Gorman, 33-56). But in most cases, some of the GE foods have been found not properly tested. If this is the case there will be problems later in the health of human especially that effects of GE products were recorded to be fatal in the lives of human. But the problem here is that these effects will not be evident in short period of time but will be felt at the later part. Still these effects are still unknown and how is it going to be cured or prevented. The groups are proposing that there should be proper and adequate testing in order to know its side effects to animals and humans (Schardt, 47-48). Conclusion The issues on GE foods pose a great challenge to the scientists and companies who are capable of producing the products. Of course they want to compete with the global market and simply increase the income of farmers. But there is always a causal effect on the part of consumers. They are faced with different perspectives from different groups all over the world. Producing this much is very helpful in food security of a country but when it comes to harmful effects these should be looked into by the companies. There should be no disadvantaging with the profits and gains but should be vigilant how these products can be of help to the country. The promotion of organically grown products is taking into the limelight. This might be a good option and alternative for all who wants to have healthy lifestyle in the coming years. Works Cited Anderson, Luke. Genetic Engineering, Food and our Environment. Chelsea Green Publishing Company, Vermont, U. S.A: White River Junction, 1999 Cummins Ronnie Lilliston, Ben. Genetically Engineered Food: A Self-Defense Guide for Consumers. New York: Marlowe and Company, 2000 Do Genetically-Engineered (GE) Crops Reduce Pesticides? The Emerging Evidence Says â€Å"not Likely. † Spring, 2000. A report by the World Wildlife Fund, Canada. GORMAN, Paul. Govt rules GE corn fit for people to eat; GENETICALLY ENGINEERED FODDER; Corn type may produce ‘unique’ food hazards The Press. 2007 Pusztai, Arpad. â€Å"Genetically Modified Foods: Are They a Risk to Human/Animal Health? † American Institute of Biological Sciences, 2001.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Organizations and institutions Essay

Maintaining and preserving the environment has been one of the key issues that have been prevalent in the present time. Creating avenues for environmental sustainability has continuously been evident among states, organizations and institutions. The same applies for the marine ecology particularly the Giant Blue-Fin tuna. The continuous decline of its population has been alarming different sectors in the economy as well as different environmental NGOs. Thus, it created numerous efforts among different organizations and governments to protect the Giant Blue-Fin Tuna. By controlling the amount of Giant Blue-Fin Tuna captured daily, the population of such species can be saved and be prevented from extinction. The Giant Blue-Fin tuna is considered one of the most prized species in the marine kingdom. â€Å"Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus, 1758), aka bluefin tuna, horse mackerel, northern bluefin tuna is regarded as one of the most highly evolved fish species and one of the most prized fish in danger of over fishing. † (MarineBio. org, 2007, p. 1) A Giant Blue-Fin is characterized under the category of ‘tuna’ due to their unique composition. â€Å"Tuna, originating from the Greek word meaning â€Å"to rush,† usually swim at speeds of 1. 5-4 kts, can maintain 8 kts for some time, and can rarely break 20 kts for short periods. † (MarineBio. org, 2007, p. 1) The Blue-Fin tuna is classified under the Scombridae family and it is considered to be the largest specie under such classification. â€Å"It is one of the largest bony fishes and can reach lengths of up to 3 m, although they are more commonly found from . 5-2 m in length. Adult weights range from 136-680 kg, although the upper weight range is rare. † (MarineBio. org, 2007, p. 1) Its appearance can be described to be â€Å"dark blue to black near the dorsal surface and silvery near the ventral surface. † (MarineBio. org, 2007, p. 1) In addition, Giant Blue-Fin tuna lives from 15 – 30 years. Also, Giant Blue-Fin tunas are considered to be warm blooded fishes. â€Å"Atlantic bluefin are homeothermic (â€Å"warm-blooded†) and are therefore able to thermoregulate keeping their body temperatures higher than the surrounding water, which is why they are so well adapted to colder waters. † Locations The Giant Blue-Fin tuna are only located in certain places. â€Å"Bluefin are highly migratory and limited numbers of individuals may cross the Atlantic in as little as 60 days and are widely distributed throughout the Atlantic and can be found from Newfoundland all the way to the coast of Brazil. † (MarineBio. org, 2007, p. 1) In addition, â€Å"they range in the eastern Atlantic as far north as Norway and down to northern West Africa. Bluefin tagged in the Bahamas have been captured in Norway as well as off the coast of Brazil. Bluefin in the South Atlantic belong to a distinct southern population, with known spawning areas south of Java, Indonesia. † (MarineBio. org, 2007, p. 1) Current Problems In the course of time as development begins to step into the picture, certain negative and adverse have began to emanate from the process. The most affected sector in the development process is the environment. As humans continue to develop technologically the consequences of such improvements have been the environment and the ecosystem. With this, it can be argued that the marine ecosystem has also been suffering the same fate. Such occurrence does not spare the Giant Blue-Fin tuna as its population gradually and continuously declines over the years. It is widely known that the Giant Blue-fin tuna serves as an important source of food and income among the fishing industry. â€Å"Once, giant bluefin migrated by the millions throughout the Atlantic Basin and the Mediterranean Sea, their flesh so important to the people of the ancient world that they painted the tuna’s likeness on cave walls and minted its image on coins. † (Montaigne, 2007, p. 1) The Giant Blue-fin tuna are regarded by many to be a source of delicious food particularly in the making of sushi. â€Å"The giant, or Atlantic, bluefin possesses another extraordinary attribute, one that may prove to be its undoing: Its buttery belly meat, liberally layered with fat, is considered the finest sushi in the world. † (Montaigne, 2007, p. 1) Too much hunting With the huge demand for its meat, the Giant Blue-fin tuna has been a victim of excessive hunting by different fishermen and institutions. â€Å"Over the past decade, a high-tech armada, often guided by spotter planes, has pursued giant bluefin from one end of the Mediterranean to the other, annually netting tens of thousands of the fish, many of them illegally. † (Montaigne, 2007, p. 1) In addition, with the application of the technological advantages in fisheries, the decline of Giant Blue-fin tuna rose exaggeratedly. â€Å"The decimation of giant bluefin is emblematic of everything wrong with global fisheries today: the vastly increased killing power of new fishing technology, the shadowy network of international companies making huge profits from the trade, negligent fisheries management and enforcement, and consumers’ indifference to the fate of the fish they choose to buy. † (Montaigne, 2007, p. 1) Enforcement or Request There had been different efforts by states as well as international organizations in addressing these issues. Fishing of Giant Blue-fin can never be banned due to the relative demand of consumers for their meat. Thus, organizations and states arranged quotas for local and international fishermen on how much each should fish. However, these quotas are oftentimes neglected or not followed. â€Å"The group charged with managing bluefin tuna stocks, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT), has acknowledged that the fleet has been violating quotas egregiously. † (Montaigne, 2007, p. 2) In addition, recognizing the constant decline of Giant Blue-Fin tuna in the ocean, ICCAT has requested different states and companies to reduce their quotas to allow these species to populate and multiply, however, these organizations and states declined. â€Å"But despite strong warnings from its own biologists, ICCAT—with 43 member states—refused to reduce quotas significantly last November, over the objections of delegations from the U. S. , Canada, and a handful of other nations. † (Montaigne, 2007, p. 2) It has been predicted that if this type of fishing continues, then such industry would collapse and the Giant Blue-fin can become extinct. â€Å". Scientists estimate that if fishing continues at current levels, stocks are bound to collapse. † (Montaigne, 2007, p. 2) What can be done There are different mechanisms that environmentalist and the government have tried to enforce to prevent the continuous over fishing of these species. However, little compliance can be seen in the process due to the high demand posed by the Giant Blue-Fin tuna especially in the world market. Thus, it is necessary for states and groups to enhance the level of monitoring and implementation of rules and legislation. In addition, stricter measures must be enforced to facilitate a better future for these creatures. Effective Management Effective management can be a solution to the long and impeding problem of over fishing in the ocean for Giant Blue-Fin tuna. â€Å"Experts agree that, first, the world’s oceans must be managed as ecosystems, not simply as larders from which the fishing industry can extract protein at will. †(Montaigne, 2007, p. 4) By creating effective and efficient management mechanisms can help enhance the efforts in improving the overall status of Giant Blue-Fin tuna. â€Å"Second, the management councils that oversee fisheries, such as ICCAT, long dominated by commercial fishing interests, must share power with scientists and conservationists. † (Montaigne, 2007, p. 4) Cutting Fishing Vessels The constant decline of Giant Blue-Fin tuna are due to numerous fishermen who catches them. One possible scenario that legislators and organizations can do is limiting the number of allowed fishermen and industries who will engage in such actions. By doing so, it can help the population of the Giant Blue-Fin tuna to increase. â€Å"Further, governments must cut back the world’s four million fishing vessels—nearly double what is needed to fish the ocean sustainably—and slash the estimated 25 billion dollars in government subsidies bestowed annually on the fishing industry. † (Montaigne, 2007, p. 4) Setting quotas and marine sanctuaries By creating quotas, Giant Blue-Fin tuna population can be maintained and can provide an avenue for an increase in population. â€Å"For giant bluefin in the Mediterranean, that may mean shutting down the fishery during the spawning season and substantially increasing the minimum catch weight. † (Montaigne, 2007, p. 4) But with this situation comes with effective and efficient inspection and enforcement among the state, agency and organization in-charge of the process. Also, by creating marine sanctuaries in the area, Giant Blue-Fin tuna can survive the excessive amount of fishing by fishermen in a certain area. Marine sanctuaries seek to protect the overall area where Giant Blue-Fin tuna are situated. This means that they cannot be caught. â€Å"Another crucial step, both in the Mediterranean and around the world, would be the creation of large marine protected areas. † (Montaigne, 2007, p. 4) Campaigning for change can also help in the process of conservation and sustainability. â€Å"Also important are campaigns by such groups as the Marine Stewardship Council, which is working with consumers as well as retail giants to promote trade in sustainably caught fish. † (Montaigne, 2007, p. 4) Conclusion The Giant Blue-Fin tuna is characterized to be an important part of the overall marine ecosystem. Taking them out in the overall system can create disparities and consequences in the marine ecosystem. Thus, the continuous decline of Giant Blue-Fin tuna must be addressed to sustain the continuous demand of people in the future. By creating efficient and effective monitoring mechanisms as well as legislation, the lives of Giant Blue-Fin tuna shall be sustained. It is our responsibility to continue addressing this for it shall be the future generations that will suffer if actions shall not be put into place and changes to occur in near time. References MarineBio. org (2007) Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. Retrieved November 28, 2007 from http://marinebio. org/species. asp? id=236 Montaigne, F. (2007) ‘Still Waters: The Global Fish Crisis’ in National Geographic: Interactive Edition. Retrieved November 28, 2007 from h http://www7. nationalgeographic. com/ngm/0704/feature1/index. html

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Modern times Essay

Janie Crawford, a free spirited individual, is the main character in the book â€Å"Their Eye’s Were Watching God† which was written by Zora Neale Hurston. It should also be noted that Hurston was an anthropologist because of the book’s historically accurate perception of the expectations black women lived up to during that time. The story unfolds around Janie’s life and how she fought against the male oppression she endured in her two marriages all the while trying to define herself as her own person. This oppression she endured with her marriages shows the influences and ideas that men had over women during that time period. If someone was to look at this novel in the perspective of an anthropologist you would have to say that it is a fictional novel with historical merit of how life was for women in the South during the 1920’s. The story scenes centers on a town and its citizens that was created as a black community. Not only was there oppression but also exploitation that Janie had to endure. In her first marriage to Killicks this was shown when he intended to put his wife in the field working the plows. Janie is powerless and without free will. â€Å"Ain’t got no particular place. It’s wherever† (31), Killicks claims. Killicks always was able to shut her up when he felt she was trying to assert herself. A good example was when he used derogatory threats against her family when she tried to talk about their marriage while shoveling manure. Then when the scorn wasn’t enough to keep her quiet the threat of physical violence began to be used. â€Å"Don’t you change too many words wid me dis mawnin’, Janie, do Ah’ll take and change ends wid yuh†¦Ah’ll take holt uh dat ax and come in dere and kill yuh! † (31). Joe Starks, her second husband, also exploited Janie by working her in his store. He seemed to silence her voice all too often. There were many times he would point out that she was just a trophy wife of someone in authority. Janie seems to be bothered by the high stool that Joe insists she sit on and when I first read that part I envisioned a child being punished. For this marriage silence is golden, on the part of the wife. The first time Joe quieted her, Janie said it left her feeling cold. When he refused to allow her to speak at his election for mayor she felt that it took, â€Å"the bloom off of things†. At the elections Tony Taylor wanted Janie to speak, â€Å"uh few words uh encouragement from Mrs. Mayor Starks,† that is when Joe takes the floor and says, â€Å"mah wife don’t know nothin’ ‘bout no speech makin’. Ah never married her for nothin’ lak dat. She’s un woman and her place is in de home† (42). A belief that held true for sometime even in today’s world. It was interesting that Stark used verbal cues to make Janie shut up and be obedience using her looks or intelligence as tools for his oppression. If you were to ask any battered woman today they too would say how insults and put downs helped in breaking their self esteem in order for their oppressor to gain control. In Janie’s first marriage violence was always just a threat; in her marriage to Stark it became real. Stark beat her over a poorly cooked dinner once (68) and for insulting his sexual abilities he struck â€Å"Janie with all his might† driving â€Å"her from the store† (77). Killicks on his last day with Janie threatens to kill her, Stark when bedridden and helpless wishes â€Å"thunder and lightnin’ would kill her! † (83). Violence goes hand and hand with oppression and exploitation. The threat of violence physical or verbal has consequences that follow the victim throughout their lives. Janie was basically just property in the eyes of her men. To do whatever their bidding and was often thought of as no better than a mule. There was one part of the book where it talked of a man that did not like to beat his wife because he felt it was just like stepping on baby chicks. He used empathy instead of moral rights as to why men shouldn’t beat their women. Are women thought of as just baby chicks or mules? The answer is yes and still can be applied in modern times.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

APA Fundamentals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

APA Fundamentals - Essay Example Write the Abstract in short and concise sentences that tell the story of the paper. The Abstract should be written after the entire paper has been completed. The Abstract should be located after the title page, but before the introduction of the paper. Do not write the Abstract in first-person; write the Abstract in third-person. Input and center the title of the paper at the top of the page. An introduction and thesis statement header is not used and should not be included. The first sentence of the introduction should grab the attention of the audience of readers. It should be an original, broad statement, quote, or paraphrase. Narrow down the broad topic to a specific argument that is worthy of research and writing. Research papers should be written in a narrative format. Write the paper in third-person; refrain from writing papers in first- and second-person. Provide background, definitions, or other details about the topic that will help the audience of readers understand the topic more effectively and writer’s logical flow of the paper. The introduction paragraph should lead into a specific or main topic, known as the thesis statement. The thesis statement should be the last sentence of the introduction paragraph. The type of thesis statement used in this paper is the expository thesis statement . In this case, the expository thesis statement is one comprehensive sentence that displays three main argumentative points that the writer thinks are critically important for the readers to know. The writer needs to conduct research about these specific opinions and support them with objective and accurate data. Here is an example of an expository thesis statement: In order to write a great research paper, writers must understand word processing software, APA 6th Edition formatting, and how to structure content. Without a thesis statement, there can be no body of the paper or conclusion. The body of the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Impact of Technology Socially on Healthcare Essay

Impact of Technology Socially on Healthcare - Essay Example Through this, the impact made of healthcare institutions on the society is all about trust and confidence. Lane (2008) argues that technology has â€Å"opened the way for improvements in the variety of areas.† She stressed that even the most feared diseases such as cancer and heart failure was given a relief through technology. Information is very important in the healthcare industry. However, according to Nelson (2003), patients were â€Å"generally unhappy† because it takes a while for the doctors to diagnose the disease and discussing with them the information about it takes time. In this note, it can be said that the general impression about medical information would be stressing and a waste of time. Technology plays an important role in giving information in the lightest way. The internet is readily available in most cases if one wants to know a background about a certain disease. In the areas of pathology and surgery, technology’s benefit is outstanding. Whether it is for reconstructive or aesthetic surgery, technology would serve as a tool for easier medical p rocess. In Weiss Memorial Hospital, robotics surgery is used to â€Å"minimize the physical and emotional impact of surgery on patients.† This is just one of the many advantages brought by modern technology to health services. The impact by technology on health care is massive; delivering the area of medicine into a broader light. There are countless benefits if a medical institution adapts technology but the most important part lies in the better performance for the lives of the patients and thus, creating a healthy

Research information analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Research information analysis - Essay Example The health diet that is used to treat diabetes is manly made up of the sugar free foods and drinks. Therefore, to understand the treatment of diabetes, through the application of health diets, then undertaking a study regarding the sugar free foods and drinks becomes necessary, which is the basis of this study. The importance of undertaking this research is to understand sugar free food and drinks, regarding how they can be applied as health diet for the treatment of diabetes, overweight and obesity. The research also seeks to help the manufacturers understand the market available for the sugar free products, in that, through a clear understanding of the market, then, they will target this market in producing their products, by availing those products that perfectly suits their target market. Sugar free foods and drinks have most of the sugar substance in foods, sucrose, replaced with other sugar substitutes. This way, the sugar free food s and drinks are deemed appropriate not only for their use as health diet for the treatment of diabetes, but also for their role is assisting weight loss and reducing chances of obesity (Metcalfe, 2007 p18). The difference between the foods and drinks suitable for the treatment of diabetes and the normal foods is in the fact that, these food stuffs should be low in energy content, consists of carbohydrates that are easily absorbed and have a higher fructose content, than is necessary for the normal foods (Blades, 1993 p6). Thus, the observed increase in the trends of preference and consumption of sugar free foods and drinks have emanated from the concern for the role of sugar in causing diabetes, overweight and obesity. According to the theory of consumer behavior, consumers follow a given process in making purchase decisions. They perceive the need for a product, evaluates available information, in this case, such as the pro and cons of sugar free foods, and their relationship to diabetes and weight

Monday, August 26, 2019

Computer technology and the networked organization Essay

Computer technology and the networked organization - Essay Example This helps one monitor the network properly. Any failure is easily seen and will not affect the entire organisation of the company. Star topology is reliable because it is easy to back up the data and easy to access the data. Another important reason is that in this topology my companies system will have no disruptions to the network when connecting and removing devices. Under the architecture the configurations of the company peer to peer networking architecture will be put in place. This will be of help because all the computers in the network will have the same privilege, capabilities and responsibility among themselves. This will enable file sharing and if anyone wants to acquire information from another customer then he will do it fast and also it is hard for the system to collapse because all computers depend from each other not like client server where one computer is expected for file sharing. The communication protocol used will be TCP/IP because it will enable the computers in the network to communicate without the help of central management. The reason why I will use TCP/IP in my company because it is compatible with various types of computer hardware and network configurations. Another reason why I found it relevant is it routable and so finds the most efficient path for the packets to move across the network. I would have created a firewall that will not allow the people who are not in the network to get access in it. This implies that it will set up a control of the incoming and outgoing network traffic by analysing the data packets and determining whether it should pass or not. Secondly I will train my personnel and enforce a having employees and customers who understand and adhere to the companies’ security policies will enable reduce security problems. I will create strong security passwords and strong forms of authentication to prevent guessing and cracking. Thirdly I will uses security

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 19

Summary - Essay Example In the process of describing his â€Å"coming of age† experiences, he makes a persuasive case for not depriving our children of comics and stories that have an element of violence embedded in them. The article is certainly worth the effort of reading and it did indeed take me back a few years to my own growing up experiences. While one may agree or disagree with the author’s contentions, he certainly provides background research and additional sources to buttress his claims. The larger point that he is trying to convey is that in this age of hyper competition and a world that is essentially ruthless and violent, exposing kids to the real world should be done sooner rather than later. Instead of the teens realizing that the world is not all â€Å"Milk and Honey† through a painful process of coming to terms with the realities, it is better to let them have an inkling of what is in store for them when they become adults by letting them soak in Marvel comics and stories of superheroes that depict the world in Eastman color by their allusions of good vs. evil parables, their stories of exploits of courage and altruism along with patriotism. In conclusion, Jones’ makes valid points though as in real life, the choice as to whether one agrees with him or not, rests with

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Critically analyze the importance of the factors that managers must Essay

Critically analyze the importance of the factors that managers must consider in - Essay Example In today’s business contexts, organizations and their environments are becoming more complex and changes occur rapidly and therefore managers are to consider all marketing related factors and its critical significance to the forecasting as well. A good forecasting must be consistent with other parts of the business (Keat and Young, 2009, p 143). For example, when a manger forecast 25 % increase in sales, it must ensure that there are sufficient facilities, labor forces and raw materials to meet this target. The demand forecast must be based on ‘past knowledge’ because forecasting is a process of foreseeing the future from the past performances. Even though in certain cases past results are not so important as in the case of new product development, past knowledge contribute much to the successful demand forecasting ((Keat and Young, 2009, p 143). A manager conducting forecast must be able to consider the economic and political environment and the probable changes because the these factors can cause major changes in the way the business is to be carried out. An effective forecast must be timely as well because if the results are too late, the managerial action also will be late that will lead to business failure (Keat and Young, 2009, p

Friday, August 23, 2019

You choose it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

You choose it - Essay Example The large cornfields in the valley areas can no longer support the ever increasing population of America without having to be mechanized. This will also require the use of modern technology like genetically engineered seeds and use of fertilizer and herbicides. The documentary also shed more light how the method of manufacturing has changed from the dependence on primary raw material to recycling of used products. The same is also true of the migration from the use of transistors and capacitors to very small microchips (Kwon, 2012). The power grid can no longer be controlled manually, most of it is now computerized from the steam turbines, nuclear power and hydropower. The road, railway, sea and air transportation network ensures that finished products can reach the desired destination with ease and faster (Artkinson, 2012). This require individuals who plan to work in this dynamic system to be equipped with the best knowledge to help meet the demands of such economies. This explains the recent emergence of many technological research institutions as well as university research across the country. Many universities now offer very specialized courses that enables the labor force to be equipped with knowledge that can work with the automated manufacturing and engineering process. However much an economy can automate its production process, there will still rise a need to train personnel to work with the system. Automation according to Yul Kwon, is the next step towards competition in the global sector as it minimizes production cost. The other sector that can still employ labor that will be displaced from employment due to process automation can always be absorbed in the service industry and primary sectors. While everything portrayed in the documentary is true, Yul Kwon does not get the views of many other farmers who are now starting to move

Thursday, August 22, 2019

1984. vs. Animal Farm Essay Example for Free

1984. vs. Animal Farm Essay 1984 vs. Animal Farm George Orwell, the man behind two best-selling novels; 1984 and Animal Farm, follows the idea that the establishment of an elite power in a society produces hopelessness and fear. George Orwell is an author commonly known for his politically influenced works regarding socialism. In Animal Farm, Orwell portrayed an uprise of the farm animals overthrowing their master, Mr. Jones. Two pigs led the animals in this rebellion; their names were Snowball and Napoleon. The two pigs engaged in a political struggle, as both of them wanted to have the power to lead all of the animals. In 1984, Orwell describes a society that is completely under totalitarian control, as the dictatorship of big brother and his party in Oceania rule over the population with rigid laws and a distinct hierarchy of social position. Winston Smith, a blue-collar outer party member, is secretly discontent with his life. As Smith becomes more and more rebellious, his party intervenes and forces him to rehabilitate and conform to their ideals. In George Orwells 1984 and Animal Farm, the idea of individuality and free thought is eliminated in order to preserve a spot for a higher and more authorative power. Individuality is taken from the characters in both of the novels, Animal Farm and 1984. In 1984, the outer party is blind to the reality that their lives are being completely controlled. An example of this ignorance is when the outer party is told that their chocolate rations had been increased, when in actuality the rations had been reduced the week prior. The party’s successful assault on the individuality of its members led to happiness amongst the leaders and a gain in power. In Animal Farm, Orwell displayed the idea that a simple mental state of mind can easily be manipulated. The pigs controlled the animals and made them believe that everything they said was correct. The pigs proved this theory when they repeatedly changed the  seven commandments. When they were questioned, they reported to the animals that the â€Å"laws† had always been in their changed condition. Napoleon uses the terror brought on by the dogs to rule the farm and none of the animals realize it. Both the party and the pigs demonstrated that it is possible to abolish individuality and force people to live the life that is placed before them. George Orwell successfully portrayed the lives of people who were under complete tolitarian control in the books Animal Farm and 1984. The pigs and the party were able to gain control over their commoners by using manipulation and fear. Orwell shows the reader that it is easy to be taken advantage of in these two novels.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Salmon Farming in British Columbia and Sea Lice Essay Example for Free

Salmon Farming in British Columbia and Sea Lice Essay British Columbia is lucky to have one the largest diversities of wild salmon on earth. There are about 8,000 races of wild salmon which are still surviving in British Columbia’s rivers today. For a long time, this population has been taken for granted and no one has been very keen on the preservation of the same. It is however emerging that this diversity is today being threatened by a host of human activities which are propelled by the financial benefit derived from them. The future of salmon on the coast of British Columbia is at risk if a sustainable solution will not be put in place (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). This paper seeks to analyze the situation in British Columbia and suggest sustainable solutions that should be implemented with an aim of saving wild salmon inhabiting this region. History Salmon farming in British Colombia started in the 1970s with small farms which were locally owned. These were concentrated more on the sunshine coast. The efforts for large scale farming of salmon at this time were curtailed by poor environmental conditions, market challenges and diseases. These challenges forced many out of business. The first voice to be raised against the impact of salmon farming on the wild species was raised by nations, local communities, environmentalists and fishermen in the 1980s. Apparently, they had realized the negative effect salmon farming was having on the ocean communities. They therefore called upon the concerned parties to act in order to ensure the safety of the wild salmon. The main player in the fisheries industry to whom these complains were raised was the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). In the year 1985, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) allowed salmon eggs from the Atlantic to be imported to the British Columbia. This move was in complete disregard of the dangers that were associated with such importation. Such included the issue of diseases and possible displacement of the wild salmon species. This was perhaps the first mistake the DFO committed in the management and protection of the wild species of salmon in the British Columbia (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). One year later, there was massive loss of farmed salmon in this region. An inquiry was set up to investigate this loss among other issues such as poor placement of salmon farms and the increasing number of complaints from the members of public. These events lead the government to impose a ban for one month against the setting up of new fish sites. Between the years 1985 to 1990, the salmon farming in British Columbia expanded rapidly from ten sites to more than one hundred and eighty sites. This was a great increment and was bound to bring problems in the future (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). In 1991, the first report was released explaining a case of Atlantic salmon trying to spawn in a pacific stream. The provincial government moratorium in 1995 prevented the formation of new farms but allowed the expansion of the existing farms. The number of tenures was capped at one hundred and twenty one. During this time, fish production increases tremendously. Between the years 1995 and 1997, a review of the environmental condition of the fish farming industry was initiated by the government. The main purpose of this review was to address the public concerns which by now had started to worry the government. The recommendations of this review were made public in 1997. These findings were supported by the provincial government. The British Columbia salmon farmers association also supported the findings and came up with a plan to implement them (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). It was in the year 2000 the an audit by Federal Auditor General identified conflicts of interest that existed between Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ promotion of farming of salmon and its mandate of protecting both wild fish and their habitat. This was followed by a senate committees report in 2001which revealed that DFO disregarded the mandate it had been given of protecting the stocks of wild fish. In 2001, a critique of the aquaculture industry that was funded by the David Suzuki foundation was conducted. The moratorium on new tenures that had been put in place in 1995 by the government was lifted in 2002 (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2001). The full picture of the extent to which the damage had been done on wild salmon came into public picture in 2002. During this year, there was a serious decrease in the stock of Broughton Archipelago pink salmon. This went to less than 5% of the expected returns. It was agreed by both the Department of Fisheries and Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council that the decreased numbers were particularly exceptional. Almost everyone, including First Nations, independent scientists, environmental groups and local communities suspected sea lice infestation as being the cause of this decline (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2001). The PFRCC released an advisory in the same year to the federal and provincial fisheries ministers. They were advised to order for the immediate removal of Broughton Archipelago salmon farms with the aim of protecting outward bound young pink salmon in the year 2003. However, Broughton Archipelago salmon farms continued to operate in 2003 disregarding the comprehensive media coverage on their effects and the opposition of the public against salmon’ farming (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2001). Salmon farming in British Columbia The origin of commercial farming was Europe. This then expanded up to Canada’s Maritime Provinces. The Atlantic salmon has been, and still is, the most liked species by the farmers. Reasons given for this include the fact that these types of salmon are more easily domesticated. They also have higher net-pen growth rates and are more stress resistant than their pacific counterparts (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). The British Columbia currently holds 121 tenures of fish farms. Of these, 80 are active. At this point, there is need to differentiate between fish farm tenure and a fish farm. â€Å"Tenure† is a legal term which is used to refer entitlement issued by British Columbia land and water and give directions on how the business of fish farming in these lands should be carried out. Fish farm tenures identify the number of fish farm sites that have been approved by the government. The capacities of fish farms here depend on the size and species of fish. A fish farm pen with an area of 1000m2 normally holds from 35000 to 90000 fish. For Atlantic salmon, stocking densities are normally from 8 to 18 kilograms per cubic meter. The range for Chinook salmon ranges from 5 to 10 kilograms per cubic meter. These stocking densities are normally varied by farmers as penned salmon grow with an aim of minimizing losses brought about by overcrowding and to maximize growth. (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). There are several species of salmon farmed in British Columbia. However, a large percentage (80%) of salmon farmed here are Atlantic salmon. The other species found here include Chinook and Coho, which are pacific species. These are the two species that farmers relied on most until 1985 but did very poorly. The Atlantic species are easier to raise and when the industry switched to this species, it prospered greatly. Despite there being a moratorium preventing the expansion of the industry between years 1986 and 1995, the production of salmon from the farms increased from and average of 400 to 68,000 tons (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). The problem of sea lice Serena Black in her article Sea lice hurting B. C. salmon that appeared in Capital News on April 1, 2010 compares the effect sea lice have on fish with the effect lice have on children. According to her, â€Å"sea lice to fish are like lice to a child. † According to her, lice are pests which can spread very quickly within close quarters. However, they do not normally cause much damage. This is however changing in the British Columbia especially with regard to wild salmon found along the British Columbia coast (Black, 2010). Black says that research carried out indicates that the farming of salmon in British Columbia is disturbing the life cycle of wild salmon and these cause outbreaks of diseases such as those caused by sea lice. This is a fact that that has for long been established by many scientists and organizations that have been doing research in the region about the effects of salmon farming in British Columbia. This has however been refuted strongly by the government. It has for long maintained that salmon farming in BC has much more benefit than the negative effects it brings on the environment (Black, 2010). A biologist by the name Alexandra Morton who is the director of the Salmon Coast Field Station in Simoom Sound in partnership with other scientists from all over North America carried out a research on the effects of sea lice to wild fish populations. These researchers were informed that there had been a case of increased catch of more diseased fish especially around the farms. This team came up with observations and they brought them to the provincial government (Black 2010). The government could however not act on the recommendations on the pretext that the researchers did not have sufficient scientific evidence to substantiate their claims. This prompted Morton to work with experts in the fisheries industry to ensure she gives professionalism to her research. The second research was published. This research addresses the impacts of sea lice from fish farms to wild fish (Black 2010). How sea lice affect salmon Sea lice feed and breed on the mucus covered membranes of fish. They mostly affect the young defenseless fish which have no scales. The fish farms are infected by sea lice through wild fish as they go back from migration. The lice are carried in the water by these wild fish and once they pass through fish farms, they leave them infected. The genesis of sea lice is therefore not the fish farms but wild fish (Black, 2010). Naturally, adult fish normally die before their eggs hatch. When the eggs hatch, the juvenile salmon are left defenseless and exposed to the attacks of sea lice. When the eggs hatch, the young fish enter the clean waters in preparation for their migration to the ocean. At this point they are not at any risk of infection (Black, 2010). Due to the large number of sea lice harbored by the fish farms, the young salmon pick them on their way back to the ocean. Once the lice attack fish, they leave large open holes that make it easy for the fish to be infected by other diseases. They also make them weak and therefore unable to withstand the challenge of the predators. This makes their death rates alarmingly high. The holes also make them unable to balance the salt levels in their bodies and those in the environment around them. Due to these reasons, juvenile fish die before they can reproduce and this reduces their numbers significantly. Black says that â€Å"Because there are no predators in the fish farms to get rid of the sick fish, they act as incubators to the disease. It spreads like wild fire† (Black, 2010). Adequacy of regulations on fish farming The farming of salmon in British Columbia is much like the farming of the same throughout the world. There are no special regulations put in place in terms of the manner in which this business is carried out. Fish are kept in large open net-pens and are mostly fed on commercial feed. They are treated with antibiotics and other relevant drugs according to the disorders the farmers want to treat. Harvesting is done at particular times when the fish attain a specified size and the harvest is sold the world over (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). The only differences are the regulations of the specific countries. The province has not come up with regulations beyond the control of pollution in its aquaculture industry. This seems inadequate considering the fact the British Columbia has to lose a lot. Despite the fact that British Columbia still boasts of maintaining most of its original races, this may not be the case in the near future if there is nothing that is going to be done urgently. This is because of the threats that are facing these races such as over fishing, habitat loss among other serious problems. The diversity in the Pacific has been as a result of many years of evolution. The six main species here include Coho, sockeye, pink, chum, steelhead and Chinook (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004) The available regulations are therefore not adequate to protect the wild species from the hostility of the sea lice so well bred by salmon farms in the region. Without such regulations, there lacks a framework upon which the government can work to ensure that nature is protected from man’s activities. It is also dangerous because the salmon farmers act without fear since there are no restrictions on their operations. Even when some restrictions had been put in place, it was only restricting the formation of new sites but not the expansion of the existing ones. This was the major reason why the production of farmed salmon was on the rise even with the moratorium in place. This shows that the government has not fully appreciated the effects farmed salmon has on the wild species (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). Government’s position The government clearly refutes the ‘claim’ that farmed salmon has any serious effects on the wild salmon. Its view is that the magnitude of the effect of farmed salmon on the wild species is so insignificant that the public should not worry about it. According to fisheries and oceans Canada, there are no fish farms in the Broughton Archipelago causing a dramatic increase in sea lice levels. According to the government, â€Å"there have been significant fluctuations in the number of pink salmon returns. This was long before salmon farms were introduced to the area in 1987† (DFO, 2010). DFO claims that the research that has been ongoing is showing that levels of sea lice affecting the wild pacific salmon have continued to decrease since 2004. It is of the opinion that sea lice do not only come from farmed salmon. They also have their sources on natural sources, that is, the marine environment (DFO, 2010). Solutions In looking for a sustainable solution to this problem, it is vital for everyone who is concerned to understand the magnitude of the problem. All the stakeholders must come together and decide on a way forward since protecting nature is paramount and is beyond personal interests. The government should take the lead and bring together the players in this industry for a round table discussion. Everyone must be willing to sacrifice for the sake of the environment (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). British Columbia should weigh the returns it gets from fish farming the damage this is doing to the environment for it to see how urgent this issue is. It is well known for example that most of the farms are not locally owned. They are owned by multinational companies and therefore the benefits derived from salmon farming here do not go to the immediate community which is suffering the effects of environmental damage (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). Chemical control of sea lice can not be a sustainable solution as the government claims. This is because these chemicals will also be harmful to the environment when they get to the ocean. SLICE, a pest control chemical, has been used for some time but has failed to offer a lasting solution. Farmers have been arguing that since their farms are seen as incubators to the sea lice, they can use chemicals to cure their fish and hence make it safer to farm salmon. They argue that they are not the ones who originated with the sea lice but the oceans. For this reason, they believe that they should not be blamed for any instances of loss of wild salmon. They believe that by using chemicals to treat their domesticated salmon, they are doing their part in the process of solving the problem of sea lice. More importantly, these farmers argue that they contribute a lot to the economy of British Columbia and they have a right to be spared by the government (Schering, 2010). It is therefore important to look for a way of making sure the farmed salmon and wild species do not interact at all. This may call for restructuring the whole industry especially on how the salmon is farmed. The farmers should come up with a way of ensuring that there is no chance of domesticated and wild salmon meeting (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). Meanwhile, it is important that fish farms are restricted from operation since the government cannot risk the loss of its wild salmon because of human activities. Whereas this may seem a violent approach to safeguarding the environment and in particular wild salmon, the benefits of the same go far and the returns will much better than the short term losses experienced (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). Any business in a country must be carried out in a sustainable way to ensure future generations enjoy the beauty of the environment enjoyed today. This is what is called for the fisheries industry in British Columbia. If the fish farms here cannot come up with a sustainable way of carrying out their business, they should not be allowed to operate at the expense of the environment (Watershed Watches Salmon Society, 2004). Conclusion Salmon farming in British Columbia has been going on for many decades. It has benefited many people ant the country at large. For a long time, this business went on in complete ignorance of the negative effects it was causing on wild species. However, today, it is evident that this business is very dangerous to the life cycle of wild salmon. This is evidenced by the researches done and the rapid decrease of wild salmon in the Coast of BC. It is time for all the stakeholders to find a lasting solution to this problem. This, as mentioned in the discussion above, must stem from the realization of the supremacy of nature above human selfishness and his thirst for wealth. References Black, S. (2010). Sea Lice Hurting B. C. Salmon. Capital news. Retrieved from http://www. capitalnews. ca/index. php/news/sealice-hurting-B. C. -salmon DFO, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. (2009) Facts about Sea Lice. Retrieved from http://www. dfo-mpo. gc. ca/aquaculture/lice-pou/lice-pou04-eng. htm Schering. (2010). SLICE For the control of Sea-lice. Retrieved from http://www. thefishsite. com/articles/9/slice-for-the-control-of-sealice Watershed Watches Salmon Society. (2004). Sea Lice and Salmon. Retrieved from https://docs. google. com/viewer? a=vpid=gmailattid=0. 2thid=128d00c4b32b7c67mt=application%2Fpdfurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmail. google. com%2Fmail%2F%3Fui%3D2%26ik%3D458390d2c6%26view%3Datt%26th%3D128d00c4b32b7c67%26attid%3D0. 2%26disp%3Dattd%26realattid%3Df_g9mvd2yl1%26zwsig=AHIEtbR6W7XWCSm6Ik_c7Scn1njQ8IQvlwpli=1a

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Insomnia: Types, Causes and Effects

Insomnia: Types, Causes and Effects Insomnia Intro: The torture of sleeplessness is something that most people will experience at some point during their lives. The Term Insomnia is used to describe by frequently waking up throughout the night, not being able to fall asleep, and feeling tired after waking up in the morning. Unfortunately, Insomnia is a condition that is severely under-recognized. Discovery: who / how / when / where â€Å"Insomnia†, which comes from Latin words for â€Å"No Sleep†, is simply the deprivation of sleep. Insomnia has been observed all throughout human history, and because of this, it can’t be pinpointed on when exactly it was discovered. In 1818, Johann Heinroth, a German physician referred to Insomnia as being a psychosomatic disorder. History : past diagnosis, cases and treatments There have been many documented cases of insomnia all throughout history, including the infamous Chinese King Wu. In the book Records of the Historian, King Wu describes how he could not sleep at night as he has not â€Å"Secured Heaven’s Support†, and thus had no time for sleep. Over 10% of the general population is currently suffering from Insomnia, with female and the elderly suffering the most. Insomnia: Types There are many types of Insomnia, including Acute, Chronic, Comorbid, Onset, and Maintenance. Generally, Insomnia is only referred to as either Acute or Chronic based on the duration and frequency that the sleep issues have been occurring, but there are many sub categories to Insomnia as well. Acute Insomnia refers to sleep problems that last anywhere from one night to a few weeks. These disturbances in ones sleep schedule generally occur due to an emotional or physical change in someone’s life, such as illness, jet lag, and even environmental disturbances. This is generally not always the case though, as it can be caused by many other events such as a change in noises, different types of medications, caffeine / nicotine withdrawal and even pain. Chronic Insomnia is a serious medical condition that roughly 6% of all Americans suffer from. Chronic Insomnia is referred to any type of Insomnia that has been occurring at least 3 times per week for a period of longer than 1 month, despite having the opportunity to sleep. Chronic Insomnia is a serious medical condition that is under diagnosed and under treated, despite millions of American’s suffering from it every day. Comorbid Insomnia refers to a type of insomnia that stems from another condition, such as psychological, medical, and even environmental issues. Roughly 85-90% of those diagnosed with Chronic Insomnia can trace their sleep issues back to a type of Comorbid Insomnia. Onset Insomnia refers to having difficulty falling asleep, but once falling asleep the subject has no problem staying asleep. Maintenance Insomnia is exactly the opposite of that. The subject can fall asleep quickly but frequently wakes up throughout the night. Effects: Insomnia has many different effects, none of which are particularly good ones. Sleep is essential to our survival, while your body rests during sleep; your brain is busy processing all the information from that day and starting to create memories. Without sleep, you’re at a higher risk than most at developing serious health issues such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and your short-term memory may be affected. Sleep deprivation has been the cause of some of the biggest disasters that have occurred in recent history. Three Mile Island, the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and even the 1986 meltdown at Chernobyl have all been able to trace its roots back to employees sleep deprived. The real danger from sleep deprivation though is something we experience in our everyday lives, and that’s on the roads. Drowsiness can often time slow down a person’s reaction time to that of someone who is intoxicated. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that fatigue is the primary cause of close to 100,000 automobile crashes and 1,550 deaths per year in the United States, with the greatest effect being on those below the age of 25 years old. On the job injuries have also been at an all-time high. Another huge effect of sleep deprivation is a loss in cognitive processes. It impairs your attention, alertness, concentration, reasoning and even problem solving. All this in turn makes it extremely difficult to learn and process new information. Sleep loss has the ability to severely affect your ability to retain information as well. In 2009, French and American researchers came to the conclusion that â€Å"sharp wave ripples, a brain event, is responsible for piecing together all your memory. These ripples also transfer over information that you’ve learned from the hippocampus to the brain’s neocortex, where long-term memories are stored. These sharp wave ripples primarily occur only when your body is in a deep slumber. Depression is a key ingredient when it comes to having issues sleeping. In a 2005 Sleep in America poll, people who were diagnosed with anxiety and/or depression were often times found to be sleeping less than six hours per night. In addition to that, a 2007 study shows that those with Insomnia were over 5 times as likely to develop depression as those without it. Some physical effects of sleep deprivation are more serious than one might think. Sleep deprivation and chronic sleep loss can lead to heart disease, attack, and even failure. It can also lead to irregular heartbeats, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes. According to some recent studies, nearly 90% of people suffering from Insomnia are also suffering from another health condition. Weight gain is also a side effect of sleep loss. In a 2004 study, those that were getting less than 6 hours of sleep per night we’re close to thirty percent more likely to become obese versus those that slept for seven to nine hours per night. What ends up happening is a decrease in leptin, a hunger hormone, which is usually regulated by sleep. Sex drive is also affected by Insomnia. Many sleep specialists say that men and women that don’t get enough sleep generally report lower libidos and a reduced interest in sex. This can easily be pinpointed due to depleted energy from lack of sleep. Even physical features of one’s self can be affected by sleep deprivation. Aside from the covenant â€Å"bags under eyes†, it turns out that chronic sleep deprivation can lead to fine lines and lackluster skin. What ends up happening is that when your body doesn’t get enough sleep is that your body releases more cortisol, a stress hormone. In higher amounts of cortisol it can break down the protein that helps keep your skin elastic and smooth, collagen. In addition to that, being at a loss of sleep, your body will release too little of the human growth hormone (GH). Human Growth Hormones is essential to our body, as it’s used to increase muscle, strengthen bones, and even increase the thickness of your skin. The worst of all the above issues is that Insomnia can increase your risk of death. In 1967, the â€Å"Whitehall II Study† looked at how patterns of sleep affected the mortality rate of close to ten thousand British servants over a period of over twenty years. The results of this study were published in 2007, showed that those that had on average 5 hours of sleep per night nearly doubled their risk of death from all causes. In addition to this, it also doubled the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases. Causes: What actually causes Insomnia? Well, Insomnia has many different causes that are almost always related to stress in some way. Stress, is described as â€Å"a state of mental or emotion strain resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.† Concerns about family, school, health, and even work can easily keep your mind extremely active throughout the night, which would cause someone to have difficulty sleeping. Anxiety is also a leading cause for Insomnia, with most adults having trouble sleeping because they feel worried or nervous at some point in time. Anxiety can often times be tied to having Onset or Maintenance Insomnia. Anxiety and Insomnia can also often times feed each other, which causes a terrible cycle between anxiousness, dread and panic. Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffeine and other related substances can also have a huge effect on Insomnia. Caffeine causing Insomnia is a trend that’s been increasing over the years due to energy drinks and other types of high caffeine beverages. Caffeine has a very short half-life, which means it takes about eight to ten hours for your liver to process 75% of the caffeine. Nicotine is also to blame for Insomnia, with it being a stimulant. Using tobacco products or smoking cigarettes around bedtime can make it difficult to fall asleep and to sleep well throughout the night. People who are more prone? Women are much more likely to get Insomnia then men are. One main reason that women are affected more is that the menstrual cycle and menopause can affect sleep. Age also has a correlation with Insomnia, as Insomnia is more frequent with the elderly. Those that have any types of conditions that cause pain and discomfort are much more likely to develop Insomnia. Insomnia is also a side effect of many over the counter medications. A recent study has showed that those that have had nightmares and a fear of the dark as children are more prone to having Insomnia. Treatments There are many over the counter medications that claim to improve your sleep and assist with falling asleep, but they’re actually making the condition worse. Even though sleeping pills / alcohol are technically depressants, they will end up disrupting your sleep later throughout the night. Most of the time, Insomnia can be cured just by simply changing minor things throughout the day, minimizing naps and cutting down on those late night coffees to start. Many relaxation exercises used before bedtime can help assist sleep, as they encourage mind and muscle relaxation. Deep breathing is a technique that is commonly used to assist with Insomnia. It may seem quite trivial when put into the grand perspective of things, but it ends of working for hundreds of thousands of patients. Future There is still much to be learned about Insomnia, as there are still fundamental deficits in researcher’s understanding of it. When it comes to the treatment of Insomnia, the future is one that doesn’t involve the use of sedatives. Many doctors are adopting methods of addressing Insomnia at its roots vs. just covering it up with some sleep medication. New treatments On Aug 13th, 2014 the FDA approved a new type of prescription insomnia drug that’s the first of its kind. This new drug alters the action of the brain’s chemical orexin, which helps to regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Conclusion Insomnia is a serious medical condition that often times gets skimmed over by physicians. Hundreds of thousands of people suffer from Insomnia daily with the number increasing every single day. As the number increases, more and more people are beginning to realize the impact that Insomnia has on the others and how it can significantly impair the lives of others. Social networking games: Effect on teenagers Social networking games: Effect on teenagers Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Playing computer games or video games becoming a dominant part in most people life especially teenagers. A survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation in 2005 (Cheryl, 2013) found that on any given day, 65% of 8 to 10 year old and 63% of 11 to 14 years old play video or computer game in US. Nowadays, due to the development of technology, people slowly diverted to social networking game. As there is a huge increase of number of teenagers playing social network over the year and create an opportunities for multibillion business to be growth. As continuity grown in social networking site also stimulate the growth of social networking games. According to a new statistic gather by Parks Associates, revenues in the social games market will increase by 500% from 2010 to 2015 (Parks Associates, 2011).Besides, according Datamonitor (2008), the value of the global online game market has rapidly expanded from US$3.4 billion in 2005 to US$13 billion in 2012. On average, there were over 4000 thousand new games being launched in the app store and play store (Miczaika, 2013). In other word, it is a big business industry that attracts many game developers to join in and it also showing that it would be essential to understand what motivated people to play and success in getting a significant share in the industry. A social networking game can also know as casual game as due to its distinctive feature which using social networking as a platform such as Facebook and LINE which require user to login with social networking account before proceed to the gaming. According to Fields Cotton (2012), social games can defined as games that use an external social network of some type to facilitate the user’s interaction with other players and these social interactions can help drive adoption of the games and retain players. One of the best examples to be use is the Farmville which record 60 million users (The Guardian, 2009). This once again indicates that social games have become very popular in recent years. One of the possible reasons for being such is due these games enable user to interact with other through sending gift or chat and competition among other gamer where different with traditional games which can play alone. Other than that, according to the White Night Mobile Game Conference (2 013), there were over 64% diamond dash gamer login through Facebook to have access to the popular social networking games and the COO of Wooga, Jan Miczaika also saying that on average, gamer on Wooga play average 2 game on a given day. Over the year many research done to find out what is the impact of this phenomena as study how the social networking games bring what consequences to teenager on playing it such as drop in academic study and other. Most research that is conducted is mainly interested and focuses on how games are influencing the teenager’s behaviour such as how gaming lead to aggressive and violence behaviour which closely related how people behave. Social networking games in these day providing people with a brand new insight of gaming to gamer. As social networking games offer a wide range of games from traditional games, casual games to skill games that meet various interests of gamers. However, the social networking games now has turn over become a multibillion dollar business, it also shown that there is a need to understand what actually make it some interesting to attract people to play on it especially teenager. According to Playfish (2009), the social gaming publisher, almost 80% of their gamer is 18-34 years old and male and female fairly divided. At the same time, another popular social gaming, Diamond dash which develop by Wooga is receiving 1.9 million visitor come each month through Facebook Request (Miczaika, 2013).Thus in this research we would like to focus on what motivates teenagers to play social networking game that provide better knowledge for the future development in the industry. The rapidly growth on this social networking games industry has making it attractive enough to attract other game developer to develop social networking games. This once again shows that social gaming is today world the dominant in gaming industry to be developed in coming year times. In other word, this also shown that, this area of research is highly interested by many researchers. As to avoid and protect the platform users from spamming effect from other user especially game request, Facebook has introduced a new policy and setting of game as one of the approach to prohibit the spamming effect to be viral and this make difficult for developer to recruit new gamer and it would be more easier for them to understand what motivated people to play and help in the marketing and developing of game (Clipperton, 2013). According to the perception of Self-Determination Theory, motivation can came from various intrinsic and extrinsic sources as it also focus on how the social and cultural factor influencing people’s motivation on engaging themselves in activities. Individual’s experience such as autonomy, competence,andrelatednessare one of the forms of motivation to engagement for activities (Self-Determination theory, n,p).Thus in the research, we would conceptualise and categories the motivation into few type so that it is measurable. For example, goal or reward, excitement, interesting graphic, peer effect, leader board. Leader boards can be one of the motivations that motivate teenager step into playing social games. As anyone who grew up in the video game generation they will never realise that leader boards are the invisible encouragement to motivate players try harder in the games (Mashable, 2011). Players will desire to do better to achieve high ranking in the leader boards as they may compete with their friends or nationwide. 1.2 Statement of Research Problem As mentioned above, the purpose of doing this research is to investigate the reason that bring by the social networking games and their motivation towards the teenager to play the games. From our observation and searching, we found that there are a lot of researches have completed the study in this gaming scope. But we found that, most of the researches were more focus on the study of the impacts or the influences of playing games instead of what the reason behind that make them to play games. So, this is one of the reasons why we are conducting a research to figure out the actual reason that attaches the teenagers with the games. There are a few factors that motivates or connecting them with the game in their daily life. According to Scoresby and Shelton (2011), a computer game environment creates motivation through emotionally linking the player to the content. It is the interaction between sensory stimulation, environmental factors and a player’s internal tendencies that en courage involvement and enable immersion (Witmer and Singer, 1998). People are motivated by various factors such as own self-interest, care and also to satisfied their curiosity as well. According to the Self-Determination Theory, Intrinsic motivation can be characterized by free choice, interest, optimal challenge and psychological needs, such as reflectance, personal causation, competence, autonomy and social needs (Deci and Ryan, 1990). These intrinsic motivations are not necessarily internally rewarded but nonetheless they can sustain passion, creativity and efforts. Besides, as the technology grows time by time, games on the internet especially social networking games are becoming popular as the generations nowadays tend to engage themselves on it. The social networking games such as the Facebook games, are one of the type of social networking games that loved by the teenagers. Social networking game functions by letting the players interacting with each other through various ways. The uniqueness of game study is its focus on the process rather than the results of game use (Barr et al., 2007). Games also possess interdisciplinary integration and interaction with player through multidimensional elements such as set, character, animation and music. So we can see from here, game study it involve a very complicated and extensive field that merits more attention from researcher (Kai-Shuan Shen, 2012). We found that previous researches mostly were study on the video games or other type of game but social networking game is still fresh for the research er to investigate what is the attractive characteristic that linked the teenagers to the social networking games. The factors that engage teenager with the video games or other games type are different compared to the social networking game as this game type are new. Different social networking game in different region has different cultural background which may have different motivations that lead those teenagers to engage to the game. Although there are few researches have done the study on this motivation’s perspective, but the research couldn’t represent the study in Malaysia. In Malaysia, there is still fresh for the research to study the reason why the social networking is interesting enough to be played by those teenagers. People in Malaysia may have different reason of motivation when they engaging with the social networking game compared to the other western country. This is because cultural background is different for those people from different country. They may have different interest towards social networking games. Sometimes a person engage with a particular online game is because he or she feels that the game is closely related to his or her cultural background, and thus, he or she will feel motivated to play the game . So, we will specifically study about why the teenagers in Malaysia are motivated to play the social networking game. 1.3 Research Objective To investigate the motive behind playing social networking games 1.4 Research Questions 1.) What motivates college student to play social networking game? 1.5 Significance of study In this 21st century, social media become part of life in this world and the people who get influence are increase complexly. Most of the people interact and use social media for different purpose. In this research, we want further explore the motivation behind the social networking games that motivate teenager to play and get a better understand and knowledge in this major industry. 1.6 Research Scope The focus scope of this research is to analyse what are the motivation that motivate college student towards the social networking games. We will focus our study about what is the motive behind that makes college student o involve in social network games. As such, our primary target audience of this research would be college student who fall in between the range of age around 19-25, which is the people who born from early 1989 until 1995. Audience in these range of age are our targeted sample as they are those college students which is highly participated in playing games no matter in in the form of online or offline and they were most likely those core target audience of game developer. From social media platform, such as Facebook, Google Plus, college student can get motivation to involve themselves to the use of information technology such as social media and social gaming with both motivation factors which including intrinsic and extrinsic reason. (Davist al., 1992). Social media and games have a powerful yet invisible power to keep all of us engaged and connected with each other in this world. In this research, we would use non probability sampling method to make a sample size that consist 200 people that age between 19 25 as to be accurate is all college student that play social network game. 1

Shakespeare’s Othello is a Tragedy Essay -- Othel Literature Shakespea

Shakespeare’s Othello is a Tragedy A tragedy has many definitions, but the Merriam-Webster version defines it as: â€Å"a serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force (as destiny) and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion that excites pity or terror.† The latter part, about disastrous conclusion is true for Shakespeare’s tragedies, and Othello is no exception. Roderigo blindly follows Iago’s lead and while his contribution to the disaster is minimal at best, he still is able to feed Iago’s desire for revenge, as all the characters do. The only difference between Roderigo and the other characters is how he does it. Roderigo is madly in love with Desdemona and wants her for himself. The first sign of Roderigo’s desires comes from Barbantio when he speaks: â€Å"I have charged thee not to haunt my doors:/In honest plainness thou hast heard me say/My daughter is not for thee†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (I, i) Iago seduces Roderigo’s compliance in the disaster by dripping sweetened words of his attempts to sway Desdemona away from Othello. Roderigo, in his naà ¯ve and loving mind, give Iago the financial means to further his plot of disaster. Iago tells Roderigo that the money and jewels he spends go to Desdemona, but there is little evidence of this. And it seems unlikely that Iago needed large sums of money to exact his revenge on the Moor. He does it with words and a handkerchief, not rubies and emeralds. But Roderigo’s lust for Desdemona leads to his attempt to kill Cassio. After Iago has convinced Cassio to plea to Desdemona for his rank back, Iago is then able to convince Roderigo that the way to take Desdemona is to kill Cassio (IV, ii) because, according to Iago, Cassio and Desdemona are now sleeping together. It is ultimately his attempts to defile and kill Cassio that contribute the most to the tragedy. He causes Cassio to lose his rank (II, iii) and then attempts to kill him. The question Roderigo should’ve been asking himself is this: â€Å"If Desdemona is such a lovely, innocent creature, why does she jump from bed to bed? What makes me think that she’d stay in mine?† Emilia’s role in the tragedy seems very small at first. Iago mentions suspicions of unfaithfulness very early on (I, iii) but it is not these suspicions that Emilia contributes to her death and the death of others. Rather, it is the very simple action of... ... not a factor. So what drives Iago to commit all these acts? Jealousy is a major portion, but perhaps Iago views this all as a game as well. He prides himself on his wit and cunning and is appreciated for it by his peers. Perhaps it is ego that drives Iago to do all of this, a test of his skills to see if he can keep so many threads playing together and for his benefit. Almost all of his actions, plantings seeds of doubt (III, iii) or giving dangerous instructions (II, iii) lead to the tragic ending of the play. Even at the end, Iago refuses to explain his motives, by simply saying, â€Å"What you know, you know.† (V, ii). Perhaps this was Shakespeare’s way of saying not to look for a reason, but rather to appreciate what an amazing amount of cunning and patience this would’ve taken to pull off. In the end, Iago’s last words perhaps best suit the play. â€Å"What you know, you know.† Everything is presented for the entire world to see, with little hidden meanings to things and actions. Roderigo’s lust, Emilia’s fear and loyalty, Desdemona’s purity, Othello’s trust and insecurities, and Iago’s jealousy and ego contribute to the â€Å"disastrous conclusion that excites pity or terror.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Names in Shirley Jacksons The Lottery :: Shirley Jackson Lottery Essays

One of the leaders and important man of the town is Mr. Summers.   Summer is a   season of the year.   It is the season of growing, the season of life.   His name   represents partly the old pagan fertility ritual because the harvest that is being sacrificed to is being grown in the summer.   This is supposedly, according to Old Man Warner, what the lottery held each year was all about.   But, in this case, the harvest should be fine because the setting of the story tells us that â€Å"the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green† (74).   Mr. Summers did many things to slowly ween the old tradition, the old harshness, out of the ordeal.   He had the wooden chips replaced with more convienent slips of paper.   He also â€Å"spoke frequently...about making a new box† (75), so, therefore, he also represented new ideas as well as old.   The new ideas that the close-minded village people would not accept.   If given the chance, Mr.   Summers would have more than likely accepted and backed the motion to cease the   lottery and stop the sacrifice.   Even though he conducted the lottery which someone was sacrificed (murdered) he is seen as one of the most innocent characters because of his â€Å"new† ideas and wishes for something better.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mr. Summers, with all of his importance, had someone over him though.   Mr. Graves, the postmaster, must have been of more importance and power than he   because Mr. Summers had to be sworn in by Mr. Graves before he could have the right to be the official of the lottery.   As the reader might easily derrive, Mr. Graves symbolizes the sacrificial killing being caused by the lottery.   His superiority over Mr. Summers is also symbolic.   It shows how the sacrifice and the lottery in itself is more important than the new ideas presented by Mr. Summers and a few other villagers.   But, Mr. Graves has many more villagers behind him sharing his views.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of these is Old Man Warner.   Mr. Warner is the oldest man in town and, therefore, having the most knowledge of what the original tradition was all about.   He lets us know that there has â€Å"always been a lottery† (77).   He is repetadly shown â€Å"warning† the younger parents and the younger generation of what they are in for if they do away with the lottery.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Immigration-Pauline Hanson Is Wrong :: essays research papers

Pauline Hanson’s view on migration is incorrect. Ceasing migration would not be good for Australia either culturally or economically. An intelligent and sophisticated immigration program, which focuses strongly on skilled and business migration, can have a beneficial impact on our economy. The National Multicultural Advisory Council, chair Neville Roach is a firm believer in continued immigration: â€Å"Australia is a multicultural society, he said. Our cultural diversity has been a strength and an asset in our development as a nation.† Migrants have been the heart of building Australia into a strong economy. Migrants in modern Australia create jobs and business opportunities and continue to add to the rich social and cultural fabric of Australian society. Business Skills migrants create on average six new jobs and invest millions of dollars into the economy. They have brought new ideas and new technology to the areas of medicine, science, information technology, mining, primary industry and business. Their familiarity with different cultures, languages and lifestyles as well as how overseas business works has helped local companies compete in Australia and overseas. The current Migration Program is balanced and targeted to meet our economic, environmental and international objectives. Expanding a vibrant economy depends on a large population, like for example, the USA and Japan. Immigration stimulates the economy through increased tax revenue, contribution of funds from overseas, participation in employment, spending on housing and increased consumption of goods and services. Research shows that migrants are less reliant on social security than people born in Australia. Surveys on business migration reveals that within two months of arrival, over half establish businesses employing an average of five staff. â€Å"Migrants both create jobs and take jobs. They increase the demand for goods and services, which leads to job creation. They bring in capital that can be used to invest in new businesses. They also increase the size of the labour force adding to Australia’s productive capacity. Migrants also increase and expand the labour force, adding to Australia’s productive capacity,† Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, Phillip Ruddock said.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Gulliver’s Travels Essay

Ten days after returning from his previous voyage, Gulliver is confronted by Captain William Robinson to work as his journey to the West Indies. The doubled salary is cause enough for Gulliver to accept the invitation and sets sail two month after the invitation. Upon arriving in Tonquin, Gulliver is appointed Captain of a sloop (a small sailboat with one mast and two sails) and ordered to transport goods; he is shortly captured by pirates. He earns his crews freedom but his attitude lands him on a small boat with limited food. He soon finds a few isles and decides to stay in the cave of a seemingly barren island—except for a few shrub patches. After some keen observation, Gulliver notices something strange obstructing the sunlight and deduces it must be a floating island. He tries to be noticed but the inhabitants seem to give little regard for his shouting. Eventually, the floating mass draws near and from it, descends a seat that Gulliver is instructed to mount. He is then drawn up into the Island. Gulliver is welcome by many people, whom he noticed to be very strange. Their eyes look in different directions and their heads do not sit level upon their heads. In addition, he takes note of their attires, which are covered with â€Å"celestial bodies and musical instruments. † People also have a servant who follows them and carries a â€Å"flapper. † This is essentially a mace, but with a soft sac on the end. The servant’s use it to slap their masters’ mouth or ear with the intent of alerting them that it is their turn to speak or listen while in conversation. After meeting with the King, Gulliver is appointed a language tutor. Shortly after his first lesson, Gulliver notices the island to move over villages, during which, subjects collect monies from the people below. In addition, he learns that the people value mathematics and music above all. (Because of this, their language is primarily based on the sciences stated previously. ) Their skill sets are limited to these two disciplines, as well as astrology. There are also in constant fear of an apocalyptic demise, resulting from an ever incumbent meteor. After a months stay, Gulliver is learned enough to speak to the King. Gulliver is now informed by the Prince, (one of the few free thinking individuals) of the dimensions and working of the Island. He is most intrigued by the motion of the Island and how it manages to stay afloat. It is explained to him that the most experienced astronomers figured that by mounting and manipulating a great magnet in the center of their island, they are able to float and move in any direction at will. However, the island is only able to move over a specific area on earth because of the specific magnetic forces required to maintain their desired altitude. Gulliver also learns how the Island is able to rule over the inhabitants of the land below. This is done mainly through varying degrees of punishments. Essentially, Laputa uses its size and position to, block out the sun, bombard the villagers, or, simply crush the village by means of ‘dropping’ the island. Gulliver then learns of a rebellious village, with capabilities to ‘capture’ the island and kill the King. In order to maintain peace and save himself, the King has granted freedom to these people. From that instance, the King and his family are restricted from leaving the Isle. Gulliver’s boredom leads him to want to leave the Island. He approaches a lord who seems to be genuinely intelligent and curious. (An oddity on Laputa) The lord lacks musical talent and is therefore regarded as unintelligent by the inhabitants. With the help of this lord, Gulliver proceeds in petitioning the King to leave Laputa. The King accepts and proceeds in leaving Gulliver with a friend of Laputa in a place called Balnibarbi. The man whom he is left with goes by the Lord Munodi. He is of high rank and possesses great wealth. The Lord proceeds to take Gulliver around the city of Lagado. It is of great surprise to Gulliver that the city is in shambles, the people are poorly dressed, and the ground is barren. They then proceed to the lord’s estate and it is evident of the stark contrast between the city and the estate. It is well built, well managed, and has fertile vineyards, as well as cornfields, fountains and meadows. The villagers do not have high esteem for this estate and do not strive to exemplify it—rather the opposite. Gulliver is then informed that, after a visit to Laputa by some if the city’s inhabitants, they decided to construct the Academy of Laguda. The sole purpose of this Academy is to develop new agricultural and architectural techniques. The new techniques are very flawed and extremely outlandish and have left the city in its current in its current state. The techniques are supported by so many mindless individual that they allowed for the destruction of the mill. Gulliver is very curious to the details of the projects that the Academy is working, so much so, that he decides to visit. Gulliver is allowed to visit the Academy. He takes careful note of the ongoing projects. First he sees a man attempting to use cucumbers as sun storage devices. He then witnesses a scientist attempting to turn feces into food. Another researcher attempts to turn ice in gunpowder and is fully invested into the idea of the â€Å"malleability of fire. † Gulliver travels throughout the Academy and witnesses many more experiments. There are blind paint mixers who are under the impression that they can smell color. There is even a scientist who is under the impression that his random word generator is capable of writing books on any topic. A linguist is under the impression that speaking is a waste of life and every breath used to speak brings people closer to death. He proposed everyone be mute and simply act out the message they wish to convey. Lastly, Gulliver witnesses a professor attempt to teach mathematics by writing equations onto wafers and feeding them to his students. Part III: Chapter 6 Gulliver is still at the academy and proceeds to visit professors who are dealing with politics and government. They propose that taxation of women be based upon their physical attributes and relative beauty. Other claims that to uncover conspiracies, they should search through the feces of the citizens. They even propose kicking and pinching the politicians to make them ‘less forgetful. ’ After witnessing the propositions and experiments of many, Gulliver concludes that there is nothing here that he could benefit from and wishes to leave. Gulliver wishes to travel to Luggnagg but cannot find a vassal to take him. Not wanting to stay in Lagado any longer, he decided to travel to Glubbdubdrib. He is able to deduce that the Isle is inhabited by people capable of doing magic. Upon his arrival, Gulliver requests an audience with the King—he is granted his wish. Gulliver then witnesses people simply disappearing and reappearing and ghosts serving food. He is initially surprised and startled by these events but becomes accustomed to them. He even goes so far to request the King to appease his personal requests. The King willfully satisfies Gulliver’s requests to speak the dead. He speaks to many prominent historical figures such as: Hannibal, Caesar, Pompey, Brutus, Junius, Socrates, Epaminondas, Cato, and Sir Thomas More. He converses with them and learns that history is not as it seems and that often, it is glorified in order to cover up the embarrassing truth.   Still in the company of the King, Gulliver continues to talk to the reincarnations of prominent historical figures. He observes how Homer and Aristotle carry themselves and even goes as far to point out their mistakes; mistakes that they accept without any aggression toward Gulliver for doing so. He then proceeds to interrogate the more modern rulers and is disappointed to learn that they have not been honest with their subjects as they should have. He also calls upon simple ‘less developed’ English ancestors, whom he finds remarkable large and of good stature. He concludes that the Nobles have diminished the physical strength that the English were once blessed with. Part III: Chapter 9 Gulliver returns to Luggnagg in disguise. He only wished to return to his beloved mother country—the Kingdom of England. His shipmates confess to the officials that a stranger is aboard, resulting in his capture, interrogation and confinement. The King has heard of Gulliver’s adventures and wishes to speak to him. Gulliver is then informed that, all of the Kings visitors are required to lick the floor as they enter the Kings room. Because Gulliver was a guest, the floor was cleaned very well, but on occasion, it is sprinkled with poison to kill the Kings enemies. Because of his vast knowledge of foreign places, the King grows to favor Gulliver and treats him very well. Gulliver is ‘invited’ to stay for an additional three months—he is obedient.   While in the company of the Luggnaggs’, Gulliver is told of an immortal people. These people are marked by a spot on their forehead and are called the Struldbrugs. Gulliver fantasizes how he would live his life if he were immortal. He concludes that he would study all arts and sciences and learn to acquire riches. Gulliver ponders the topic even further and postulates that he would ‘reasonably expect’ to be the â€Å"wealthiest man in the kingdom. † After being exposed to these individuals, he learns that they live forever, but are not young forever. This is a tragic flaw and the government actually considers them dead after the age of eighty. He also learns that they grow to be saddened and to live a life with neither joy, nor love. All of their marriages eventually become dissolved and they despise all mortals, most likely out of envy. As he learned of these people and about their true state, Gulliver regretted wishing that he could be immortal. Part III: Chapter 11 After spending ample time in Luggnagg, Gulliver is eventually allowed to leave. He is finally able to find a vassal to take him to Japan, with hopes of continuing on to England. Upon arrival, Gulliver had again; found himself in an uncomfortable situation. He eventually finds a Dutch ship travelling to England. The captain agrees to take him, as long as Gulliver provides works as a surgeon for half the usual rate. By blending in as a Dutchman, Gulliver is able to satisfy the Emperors requirements. He is then excused from the ritual stomping of the cross. They are now free and continue to Amsterdam, from where Gulliver is able to find passage to England. Upon arrival he goes immediately home to his healthy family.